Along The Tracks

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She looks kinda cute when sleeping, Carl thought to himself; his hormones raging below his belt.

Enid opened her eyes to see Carl smiling down at her. His face appeared completely dark as it blocked out the bright sunlight behind. Enid felt a blissful numbness all over as she tried to figure out where she was. Slowly her feeling came back. First she realised she was lying in soft grass; she could feel the gentle blades brush against her arms and nape. Then the coolness of the air and the fresh smell of the stream lingered in her nostrils as she gathered her bearings and tried to sit up.

That was when the pain struck her. The pain throbbed in the side of her head. It was badly bruised from where she hit the rock and she put her hand on her temple and groaned.

Carl tried to steady her making sure she didn't fall backwards and hit her head again. "What happened?" said Enid in a barely audible whisper. "Where are we?"

"We were attacked by a walker, don't you remember? I had to bring you away from the stream, it was too dangerous there."

Enid thought about what must have happened. How Carl must have fought off the walkers all by himself. She thought about how brave he was. She was impressed but also a little suspicious. She didn't fully believe Carl could do all that.

Carl put an arm around her shoulder to support her as he had a plastic bottle filled with water collected from the stream. He put it to Enid's lips and she started sipping it. Her throat felt so dry and she took the bottle off Carl holding it with both hands as she guzzled the rest of the bottle down.

"Thanks, Carl." she said wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and then handed back the empty bottle to Carl. "I needed that."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, of course. Just a little shook up."

"Listen, we got away from the walkers but I still don't think this is a safe place. We have to keep moving. I found more tracks just like the ones we found in the forest. I think it's leading somewhere."

"You want to keep going?"

"Unless you want to head back?" Carl asked knowing exactly what her answer would be and sure enough replied.

"No way I'm heading back now."

"That's what I thought. Can you stand?"


Enid sat up straight and Carl extended his hand to her. Enid took it and Carl pulled her to her feet. Carl ended up pulling too hard and Enid lost her balance a little and fell into him with her head hitting his right shoulder.

"Sorry." she said, blushing.

"Don't worry about it." Carl replied going as red as she was. "Looks like the tracks lead a long way away from the stream. I collected enough water to last us the trip but are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine."

But as Enid took a step, her left ankle gave way and she began to limp forward. Carl looked at her and folded his arms, annoyed.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" he asked in as lower tone as he could trying to appear masculine and tough. "Doesn't look like you'll be able to make it on your leg."

"It's ok, Carl, really." Enid said, laughing nervously. She continued limping along but was going so slowly and painfully, she barely made it ten feet in front of Carl before she had to stop and rest.

Carl sighed and then laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" Enid asked looking back at him.

"Looks like I'm going to have carry you."

Enid scoffed. She looked at Carl with his slender frame and his skinny arms. "No way could you carry me!" But Carl knew he could. He already had. It was a shame Enid didn't know as she was unconscious. He was a lot stronger than he thought he was and he saw it as a great chance to get close to her and to touch her.

"Wanna bet?" Carl said, confidently.

"Yeah, I bet you fifty bucks you can't carry me."

WIthout warning Carl strode forward and scooped Enid into his arms as if she were his bride. She squealed as he hoisted her higher and flapped her legs in the air. He jolted her up and got her in a comfortable position with his right arm wrapped around her lower back and his left supporting her thighs. And in that testosterone-fueled moment, she didn't feel heavy at all.

"Well, it's a shame money is worthless now." said Carl, smiling and winking at her. "I'd be fifty dollars richer."

Enid was taken aback. This boy didn't seem like Carl. He was being too brash and cocky, that wasn't like him at all. But somewhere, deep down, she was starting to like this side of him.

"You shouldn't doubt me again, Enid."

Enid playfully tapped him on the chest and then folded her arms and looked away. She was a bit embarrassed. This was the first time anyone had ever held her like this. It felt odd and awkward at first but she was surprised by his strength and she soon found herself relaxing into his arms with her head nestled into the crook of his shoulder.

"These are the tracks." said Carl looking down at the ground and hinting at Enid to do the same.

The tracks led into the distance to a small black spot on the horizon.

"Hey, something's over there. I think we should check that out."

"Well, you're in control, Tarzan." Enid said as she lay still in Carl's embrace. "You lead the way."

"It's a long way." said Carl breathing a little heavier. The testosterone was starting to wear off and he began to realise that this wasn't going to be a simple stroll in the park. "You can always put me down, Carl." said Enid, grinning. Carl didn't reply. But not a chance, he thought. He didn't want to show any weakness. Carl was silent and Enid knew he wasn't going to stop so she wrapped her arms around his neck. Looking up at Carl's face, she realised that she had never seen him this close before. She noticed his cheek and jawline looked more defined and manly than before. His eyes showed fierce determination like a hunter catching his prey which completely belied his sweet boyish good looks.

Enid felt so relaxed she totally forgot about the pain in her head and the pain in her ankle. She felt so relaxed as if she could drift away and she almost did as Carl continued to carry her following the trail of footprints.

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