Carl Grimes the Hero

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"Carl!" screamed Enid.

Carl managed to grab onto the side. Enid tried but failed and she was swept away until she cracked her head hard on a rock. She moaned as blood seeped from the top of her head. Her vision blurred. She could barely hear Carl calling out to her anymore.

Everything sounded like echoes, murky and underwater. Carl was swimming towards her. She remembered his face, full of fear, calling her name and then hauling her up to the side and then nothing. Her eyes closed and she lost consciousness.

Carl shook her and turned her on her side so she wouldn't swallow her tongue. Shit, more walkers, Carl thought. He had to protect Enid. He had to get her away from the stream. "Come on, Enid, please, wake up." he shouted.

But Enid's eyelids remained firmly closed and her slender body remained still. "Ok Carl, this is it." said Carl, talking to himself. "This is your chance to be a man, to be a hero."

He reached down under her armpits and lifted her to a standing position, then switching his hand to around her waist letting her head roll back on his. He shook her one more time, hoping she'd wake up, but she completely out, cold as stone.

Enid was heavy and he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to carry her but he had to try or else they were both going to die.

Carl turned her around gently, bent down so that her body flopped down over his shoulder. He counted to three and pushed up with his legs using strength he didn't know he had he hefted Enid all the way up.

But that was the easy part. There were walkers all around the stream and he had to get Enid to safety. He walked as quickly as he could to get out of that area carrying Enid over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Suddenly another "W"-etched walker appeared behind him. He heard the groans and slashed his knife back cutting the walker's face in half but doing so made him lose balance and he tumbled to the ground with Enid on top of him.

"This is going to be harder than I thought." Carl said to himself.

He was already out of breath but he couldn't stop now. Carl then noticed tracks. It was the same tracks they had seen in the forest. It was definitely from people. They might be able to help them.

He lifted Enid's limp, lifeless body back up over his shoulder and carried her further and further up stream following the tracks. His legs were shaking and his knees were buckling under her weight but he had to go on, he had to make it. There was no other way.


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