Chapter 9 - Shadows

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Thomas' P.O.V.
"Save and done!" I grinned, closing my email and shutting down my computer, "You know, I don't think I've worked that hard in a long time!"

"Awww, is little Tommykins tired?" Taylor cooed, before smirking at me and laughing.

"Don't you ever call me that again!" I warned, slinging my coat over my shoulders, "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, just give me a second!" Taylor moaned as she grabbed her bag from under the desk, "Bloody hell, someone's excited to get home!" I just laughed at her as I waited. Once she'd finally got her coat on, and had slung her bag over her shoulder, we left for home. It was pitch black outside, and we had to use the streetlamps as a guide as we walked. After only five minutes of walking, we entered the park and walked quietly amongst the tall, swaying trees. There were streetlamps dotted all over the park, and they made long, dark shadows appear on the ground ahead of us. Up above, the sound of leaves rustling in the wind filled my ears and I couldn't help but smile at how peaceful it was.

"What are you smiling at?" Taylor grinned next to me.

"Oh nothing much!" I chuckled, "I just can't believe how quiet it is!"

"Yeah, it's nice isn't it?" She sighed happily, taking in a deep breath. I did the same, closing my eyes as the cold smell of pine trees filled my nose.

"Is it just me," Taylor interrupted the silence, "Or do those shadows over there look like long fingers?" Following her gaze, I looked up to see the shadows of five lampposts, stretching out towards us.

"Yeah, yeah they do!" I replied.

"They're out to get you!" She laughed quietly, brushing the side of my arm with hers.

"Oh shut up!" I chuckled, shaking off the thought of those 'fingers' trying to grab me.

"Just think, with one swift movement they could just snatch you up and bury you in the darkness!" Taylor whispered in a dangerously low tone, "Gone. Forever hidden!"

"Stop it! You're freaking me out!" I exclaimed.

"That's the idea!" Taylor giggled, before going quiet. Confused, I looked to my left, but I could no longer see her beside me due to the lack of light. I looked all around but it was too dark to see.

"Taylor?" I said quietly into the darkness, "Taylor, this isn't funny!" I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, and I could hear it's fast beating in my ears. I knew Taylor was here somewhere, but it wasn't funny!

"Taylor, seriously!" I shouted out, but there was no reply. Shuddering slightly from the chill, I started to walk faster when suddenly something grabbed me from behind.

"Got you!" Taylor shrieked in my ear, causing me to scream out from terror.

"Oh my God, Taylor!" I breathed shakily, "That was not funny!"

"Yes it really was!" She giggled next to me. I could now see her faintly from the light of a nearby lamppost, and I reached out a punched her arm lightly.

"Don't you ever do that again!" I gasped, catching my breath back.

"Okay fine!" She laughed, "I'm sorry!"

"Thank you!" I nodded my head, causing her to giggle quietly again. Up ahead, I could just make out the shape of two person walking towards us. They were walking underneath one of the lampposts, so I could see them fully as they headed our way. They both wore long black coats, and they were holding hands. I could tell that one of them was a girl, from her shape and long hair the gently flew behind her as she walked with her head down. But then when she looked up, I saw her face in the pale light. And my heart moved to my throat.

"Oh no!" I said quietly, stopping in my tracks. Taylor stopped just ahead of me and looked back, confused.

"Thomas, what's wrong?" She asked gently, stepping closer towards me.

"That's my ex-girlfriend, Molly up there!" I hissed, nodding in her direction. Taylor slowly turned her head to get a glance at her, and then looked back to me.

"Oh," She said simply.

"Yeah, oh," I replied, looking down at my feet, "Long story short, I found her making out with some guy when we were dating, and for the last month she's been texting me and calling me, asking to get back together! I've told her I'm not interested, but she's stubborn, and won't have it! What do I do?" I could see Molly getting closer now. She was still a good sixty meters or so away, and she hadn't noticed us yet, but she soon would.

"Okay right, just follow my lead okay?" Taylor nodded her head, smiling at me, "Just go with it?" Before I could reply, Taylor took my hand in her's and pulled me to her side. We started walking slowly towards Molly, our hands still entwined down by our sides. I had no idea what Taylor was planning but I hadn't the time to ask. I just had to follow her lead. Fifty meters, forty meters. We were getting closer and closer, each step making my heart beat faster and faster. I felt Taylor squeeze my hand reassuringly, and I squeezed back.

"Okay, follow my lead," She whispered in my ear. And suddenly, she did something I had not expected her to do in a million years. She spun me around in her direction and smashed her lips onto mine.   

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