Chapter 26 - Babysitting and Twister

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Taylor's P.O.V.
Closing the car door behind me, I paid for the taxi before walking up towards the house. On the outside, it looked like a normal London town house, much like the one in 101 Dalmatians (yes, I know it is a Disney reference, again, but get used to it). It was dark, so I had trouble finding the steps just outside the porch (it's not like I didn't see them at all, and tripped over the first step...), but once I'd finally regained my balance and made sure that no one had seen me stack it, I knocked loudly on the door. I could hear feet shuffling on the other side of the door, and a shadow appeared on the lit window. The door swung open, to reveal Thomas, stood there with a little girl hanging around his neck, and a little boy clinging to his back. I rose my eyebrows at him.

"Wow, you've been busy," I smirked as he let me in. He just rolled his eyes at me.

"They're my sister's kids!" He sighed, putting the two kids on the ground. They ran hurriedly into the living room and left Thomas and I in the corridor.

"Thank you so much for helping me out here, love," Thomas embraced me in a warm hug and I couldn't help but smile at how comfortable he was.

"No problem," I said, before adding (very sarcastically), "Just don't do this to me in ten years' time when you've got your own little kids!"

"Shut up," He chuckled, nudging my shoulder, "Right, so what's the plan?"

"Thomas," I laughed, "You're looking after two kids! Not planning to break into the London Dungeons!"

"Yeah, I know! But in case you hadn't noticed they are a wee bit hyper!"

"Noooo?! Really?! I hadn't noticed!" Sarcasm was literally flowing out of me, and all I got from Thomas was an eye roll, "Question: What exactly have you given them?"

"Nothing at all!" He sounded exasperated, "We just came home from their school, and they just went crazy!" Suddenly, the little girl came charging into the corridor, but stopped when she saw me.

"Uncle Tommy, who is this?" She asked sweetly. Not exactly what I expected from a girl who, moments ago, was charging around and screaming.

"Hannah, this is Taylor," He smiled as I bent down to shake her hand.

"Hello Taylor," She grinned.

"Hello yourself, Hannah," I replied, "Have you been having fun with Uncle Tommy here?"

"Yes!" She jumped up and down, "He gave us coffee when we came home! Mummy never lets me have coffee!"

"Really?" I slowly turned round to face Thomas; my eyebrows were raised and he could tell that I wasn't surprised. As it dawned on him as to what he'd done, he brought his hand up to his face and hit it repeatedly.

"Bloody hell," Was all I managed to get from his numerous murmurings. Sighing, I turned back to Hannah, who was fidgeting on the spot. How much coffee did he give them?

"Well Hannah, how about we all play a game?" I asked cheerfully, "You got any games you like to play?"

"TWISTER!" She screamed and ran for the stairs, with her brother close on her heels. Laughing quietly, I turned back to Thomas.

"Gave 'em nothing, huh?" I smirked, leaning my shoulder against the wall. He laughed nervously.

"Well...." More nervous chuckles. He looked up towards the stairs as we heard Hannah scream "TWISTER!" again.

"No not bloody Twister!" He groaned into his hands. Laughing, I grabbed him by his arm and pulled him into the living room.

"Oh you asked for this, Sangster!" Reluctantly, he trudged after me, just as the two children came rushing down after us. As they set up the game, I took off my coat and set it aside on the sofa. Thankfully, I hadn't decided on wearing a skirt and blazer today for work, and instead was wearing black skinny jeans, and a high collared navy shirt. At least I could play Twister in them!

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