Books, Snacks and Girls

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Armin was laying on his bed in the middle of the night when a voice called out and asked "Hey Armin can you sleep?" It was Marco who asked" Nah I'm too shellshocked. " Armin replied and heard another voice he recognized as Berthold "I can't sleep either!" Armin heard more voices he knew were Jean's and Connie's. "So everyone is awake?" Eren asked "Everyone but Franz." Jean replied "Let's go do something" Riener commented. "Libra-" Armin was cut short by Eren, Jean and Connie saying no. "What about a panty raid?" Reiner suggested. "Think about how the girls would feel!" Marco said tempted but didn't want to take any chances. "Truth or dare?" Franz said half asleep. "Guys we were too loud and woke Franz up!" Eren was irritated. "We should do truth or dare!" Armin said "We totally should!" Marco Agreed "Armin your a genius!" Connie said "No I'm not I just added on to Franz's Idea." Franz nodded " So it's settled? " Marco asked "Wait..shouldn't the girls know we are doing this?I mean what if they want to play?" Armin Requested. "Well..I guess." Marco agreed. "Alright. I'll write a letter saying they are invited to a party here and now.Then Bertold will put it on their doorstep,knock on the door and run back.Sound good?" Marco explained and everyone nodded.Then the plan took action but running back Bertold fell and cut his leg so they helped him back in before a girl could walk outside.It turns out Sasha got the letter and they totally forgot about snacks.Armin saw Sasha get the letter and said "We need snacks!!" Then Eren got a glimmer in his eyes and said "Undercover operation time!!" Armin was way ahead of him and had camouflage on and said "I'll go get snacks."
(Random spy moment ft. Armin ) Interior Messhall 11:24 pm. (Armin's POV ) As I was sneeking through the messhall I saw another camouflage figure I couldn't recognize as another boy.All I knew was that it was girl (she had too big of a chest to be a guy) so I made my voice deep and asked "Are you going to the Truth or Dare?" She had a squeaky voice that cracked every couple seconds but wasn't like Krista' s voice. "Yeah are you?"
Her voice was a mix of all the girls voices."Yeah" I answered she was actually kinda cute but her eyes looked sad. "I'm trying to get snacks for the boys what are you doing?" I was beginning to think it was Sasha."I'm getting drinks for the girls and a bag of chips for Sasha." I felt like my hair was gonna fall out of my hat so I adjusted it and snuck to the kitchen with the girl.she was a little taller that me,maybe 1 inch or 2.I focused on getting Doritos, Pepsi,water and Taffy.I also snuck some lemon bars out and the girl got gummy bears, Caprisuns, Fantas, Ruffles, and Dr Peppers. "I think we should not take too much or else Shadus will be suspicious. I'd rather we not show our real faces either but maybe we can again." What am I doing asking her to meet again??I feel weird like there is butterflies in my belly.Am I crushing? "I'd think that would be fine." Yes!! I hope I'll meet her again soon! "B-bye.."

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