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A/N: Hey Reader! If my story gets at least 15 reads I'll keep posting. If not Ill have to end the story sooner than expected but if it gets even more reads it will go on longer! Btw I LOVE Arumika.
As Armin and Mikasa said goodnight, an ominous dark figure watched from the boys dorm. Another figure join the other.
"So why are you watching Mikasa?"
"Because I can."
"Not while I'm here!!"
"Pigheaded suicidal bastard!"
"Quite down! So what did you see anyway?"
"Only them hug and say goodnight."
"That's all?"
"Well they were over there"
The figure pointed to where the field was.
"What were they doing over there?"
"I couldn't see.Also if I lit a candle I would disturb them."
"Seems Marco has rubbed off on you."
"Shut up."
"F--- you!!"
"Sh-- head!"
Jean and Eren started the fight and all the boys went outside to watch (including Armin).

The next morning Jean and Eren had broken arms, bandaged heads and swollen all over with bruises.
Eren just then punched Jean's arm and sat somewhere else.

(Eren's POV)
Now that he is out of the way I can spy on Armin and Mikasa.
"Hey Hannah whats-"
Oh yeah..Franz
"I'm sorry about Franz."
"*Crys dramatically and sad* FRANZ!!"
Woah didn't see that coming.
Nothing to do here.
"*Steps back slowly* Well I have some things I have to
Now all I have to do is avoid Levi and-
"Eren I need to do some experiments on you,do you mind?"
"I'm kinda busy doing something."
"On who?"
"Can I join you instead?We can do the experiments later."
Why does she want to help spy?
"Okay I have a plan.First I need to know who we are spying on."
"Mikasa and Armin."
"Oh..I not gonna ask questions about because I already know!"
What are they doing behind by back hanji??
Spit it OUT
"-are dating."
"Seriously *hits his fist on they tree bending it."
Armin betraying me is the last thing I'd expect from him.
" I so sorry Eren.I can see that you were interested in Armin firs-"
"Shut the frick up or everyone will hear you..And you cut me off."
"Okay. ;-;"
"Now.If you were really worried why they would keep this from you you should confront them about it."

1:30 pm (3rd person)

Eren walked into the Marshall at lunch and saw Mikasa and Armin sitting next to each other in a deep conversation.
"Well I agree that they- Oh hey Eren!I thought you had to do testing."
"Nah.They said that they could let me out earlier. "
Eren then sits right between Armin and Mikasa.
"H-hey Eren we were kinda sitting next to each other."
Eren began to feel a different type of anger in him.(Not jealousy yaoi pervs[no offence I'm one of you])Maybe it was because Mikasa was his sister he didn't want anyone breaking her heart.
"*Mikasa switches seat so that she is next to Armin and Eren is where she used to be.*There.So as you were saying Armin?"
"Oh yeah well I agree that they are derrifying and dangerous creatures that will kill humanity if we don't fight back,but if we don't learn where their other weak spots are then it'll be harder in the long run."
"God Armin you sound like Hanji." Eren said not even looking at the two.
"What's your problem Eren??"
Armin said stand up as an excited 'ooh' swept across the room.Silence until some whispers started "who do you think will win" or "my money is on Armin."
"My problem is the fact that you have been dating Mikasa behind my back!!!*stands up also*"
The crowd gasps.
"*Mikasa stands up* Fighting will get you nowhere!!"
"Yeah but it will relief anger!!"
Eren said begin to throw a punch.
Armin dodged and kneed Eren in the balls.
Eren squealed.
"*Armin storms off saying nothing.*"
"Wait Armin!!"
"He doesn't have a right to start fighting me because we are dating."
"I wanted to stop you guys from fighting but you two were too quick."
"*Hugs Mikasa* Sorry."
"Hey Armin..Did you grow? Or did I shrink?"
Armin realised he was about Jean's height or taller.
"How is that possible?No wonder I can easily knee Eren where the sun don't shine."
Armin was 5,5 but now he is 5,9.
Mikasa and Armin pull in to kiss but realized their being watched from the shadows by two figures.
(c'mon we know the figures are Hanji and Eren)
The figures disappear.
"Wonder who that was."
(Back to Hanji and Eren.PS I just realised Erens figure should be rubbing his crotch.Get it? Because Armin kneed him there,okay then back to the story you go)

"By the way, Hanji how did you get here so quickly?"
Eren was really irritated at the fact his sister and best friend were dating.
"I was joking, I just rode a titan here."
Hanji is crazy he thought.
"I still question your nature-"
His voice muffled as Hanji put her hand on his mouth.
"Shh! There they are!" She said in a loud whisper.
They saw them talking a little, then Armin hugging Mikasa. Then them talking a little more and pulling in when Hanji got a a nosebleed.
"Lets go before they decide to make out and make us both have nosebleeds." Eren said quietly dragging a half dead Hanji away.

(Eren's POV 10:30 pm)

I hate Armin for deciding to be Mikasa's boyfriend.>:(
*looks over at Armin and gets evily malicious idea*

( 9:30 am 3rd person)
Armin wakes up and feels wetness under him and sees bowl of warm water.
"DAMN YOU EREN!!!" Armin shreeks.
About 5 minutes later with clean uniform on and stinky wet bedsheets he storms out of the boys dorm to see Mikasa doing the same thing.
"Did Eren do the same thing to you?!"
Mikasa was PISSED.She was the definition of rage.If Armin told her she had ManGirl written on her head she would go bats--t crazy.
"What do I have written on my head?!" Armin said demandingly.
"Gaylord." She said sadly (apparently she felt bad for him)
But he didn't say Fudge.He said F--k
"Lets go put these in the laundry shed and beat Erens sorry ass."
Mikasa said with her Eye twitching.
"Couldn't agree with you more.He shouldn't have tried to hurt us for keeping secrets,but then again why did we keep them from him?"
Armin asked with a little guilt in his voice and Mikasa shrugged it off.

(Well this chapter is about as much as two but I don't care since my story has more readers Yay! Just to clarify a couple of things there will be no OCs, they are in the survey corps, Marco will be in the series as a guest but mostly giving messages from starclan [If you haven't read Warriors: step the frick back, go get the first series, stop reading this book and read that.] and Franz was cut from this series because honestly,Hannah is probably the only one who actually cared about him so when ever Hannah comes up just know what is gonna happen.)

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