Chapter Five

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"Hi Brooke," Harry said. "H-hi," I said, shocked to see the gorgeous boys. "This is Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall," Harry replied pointing at them. "Hi... I'm Brooke," I replied. These boys look really familiar... But from where? Oh duh! One Direction! Gosh I think I'm getting stupider every second. I could feel my face turn bright red. "Are you okay?" the blonde boy, Niall, asked. "Yeah, just a little hot," I said. I heard Zayn mumble something to Liam. "Zayn!" Liam replied, hitting his arm. I gave them a weird look and walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry I didn't tell you they were coming," Harry said, making me jump and drop my banana. I turned to face him, "It's okay." I picked up my banana and went back to the living room and sat on a different couch than the boys. I pealed my banana and started eating it. "Nice banana you got there," Louis said, laughing. All the other boys joined in too. "Shut up!" I said, tuning bright red... Again. But did that stop them? Hell no! So I stood up and left.

I went to my room, ate my banana in peace and when I was done, I went back to the living room. I sat down where I was before. "Why did you leave?" Louis said, as seriously as he could. "I wanted to eat a fruit without being laughed at!" I replied. Niall let out a little chuckle. "What are you laughing at?" I said. Liam gave him 'the look' and Niall stopped. "So why are you here?" I said a little annoyed. Don't get me wrong! I didn't mind having One Direction in my presence, but they are crazy! "They are here for my erm our birthday!" Harry replied. "Oh," I said. "Are you inviting any of your friends?" Harry asked, "Mum said you could." "Yeah, I invited someone," I answered. "Who?!" Louis asked or should I say yelled. "A friend, you obviously wouldn't know her!" I replied. "What's her name?" Niall chimed in. "Skyler," I said. "Lovely name," Louis said. "Was she the girl you were Skyping with?" Harry asked. "Yeah," I replied. Harry looked at Louis and Louis wiggled his eyebrows and Harry slightly nodded and smiled. I made a disgusted face. "Boys! How rude!" Liam scolded. Louis and Harry pretended to look hurt. I just rolled my eyes at them.

Then mum walked in. "Oh, hi boys!" "Hi!" they all said together. "Will you guys bring in the groceries?" mum asked them. Niall shot up and was out the door in record time. The other guys slowly made their way outside. I went into the kitchen with Anne. "Did Gemma tell you that you can invite some friends out for your birthday?" she asked me. "Yeah she did," I replied. "Do you know who yet? We need to book flights as soon as possible," Anne replied. "Yeah my friend Skyker," I said. "Alright can you find out a day when we can fly out?" mum asked. "Yeah," I replied.

Niall came in carrying practically all the groceries. "Thank you Niall," Anne said, taking the groceries. The other boys came in carrying nothing but one bag. "Boys! Why did you make Niall take in all the the groceries? He's not a pack mule!" mum said. "He offered!" Harry said in defense. "You made me!" Niall said, his back to Anne so she couldn't see his smiling/lying face. You couldn't believe the size of Harry's eyes when Niall said that. "Sorry you told me not to tell, but I don't like lying. Especially not to Anne!" Niall said giving my mum a hug. "I'm very sorry they made you do that, here have some cookies," Anne said giving Niall some Oreos. Niall skipped into the living room and Harry mumbled something to Niall. "What was that Harold?" Anne said. All the boys 'ohhed.' "Nothing mother," he replied, showing his cheeky grin.

I left before I got involved in their dispute. "Hi!" Niall said, as I passed the through the living room. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him. "Hey," I said. Niall motioned me to go sit next to him. I walked over and sat down. "So, how are you like Harry so far?" he asked. "He's fine, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Harry Styles is my brother!" I replied. "Why? Did you have a massive crush on him before you came here?" Niall responded with a chuckle. "Erm..." I said, giving him a weird look. "Which would be really weird because you shared the womb with him!" Niall continued on. I had to make sure he said what I think he just said. "I... ugh got to do something... Erm... Not here..." I said getting up and going to my room. Wow that boy knows how to make a situation awkward...

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