Chapter Twenty Six

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I groaned as I turned my alarm off and got up. I looked in the mirror and cringed at my appearance. I took a quick shower and put on some comfortable clothes. I remembered I had to call the bakery and get an interview set up. TopShop never replied to me so I'm taking that as I'm not getting the job...

Anyways, I pulled out my phone and found Murphy's number and called it. "Hello?" A male's voice answered. "Hi, is this Murphy?" I replied. "Yes, may I ask who this is?" "I'm Brooke, Harry's sister. He said I should call you about an interview?" "Oh, ok well can you come in today around 1:30?" "Yeah! I'll see you then!" "Alright, bye." I hung up and went out to the kitchen.

"I just got off the phone with Murphy and I have an interview at 1:30!" I said to mum and Gemma. "Oh that great! Good luck!" Mum said. "Yeah, so what about TopShop?" Gemma asked. I sat down at the table next to her, "They never replied, so I'm taking it as a no from them." "Well I know you'll get the job... Harry did so it should be easy for you." "I heard that!" Harry yelled from the living room. He was watching something on tv. "Good!" Gemma yelled back. "Guys stop yelling!" Mum said, loading the dishwasher.

I pulled out my phone and texted Skyler, 'I've got an interview today!!' She replied almost immediately, 'Yay! Good luck!' I replied a thanks and went into the living room and sat next to Harry, "Whatcha watching?" "Football," he replied, staring at the TV. "Who do you want to win?" "The team in the white jerseys." "Oh," I said, as the other team scored. "What? No!" Harry yelled at the TV. Boys and sports.... I'll never understand it.


I got all ready for my interview and went out to the living room, grabbing my keys on the way out of my room. I saw Harry sitting on the couch with a sad look on his face. "Your team lose?" I asked him. "Yes..." He sighed. "Well, sorry and bye, I'm going to my interview," I said, walking out the door. "K, bye," Harry mumbled. I got to my car and drove to the interview.


"Did Brooke just leave? Mum asked me from the kitchen. "Yeah, for her interview," I replied, going into the kitchen and getting an apple. "Well, I hope she gets the job, and what do you want for dinner?" "Ummm, can you make your homemade pizza?" "Yeah, but can you go to the store and get the stuff for it. I'll write you a list." "Ok," I ate my apple and waited while mum wrote me a list.

"Here," mum said, giving me the list. I took it and got my keys and went to my car. I turned my car on and backed out of the driveway. The radio was playing Lego House, so I turned it up a little as I drove down the street. I stopped at an intersection and looked out my window and saw a familiar face in a taxi driving the other way. I did a double take, "Was that..." I jumped a little when the car behind me honked. I quickly started driving again.

I pulled into the grocery store's car lot. I put the list and my phone in my pocket and got out of my car, I locked the doors and went inside. I got a small cart and started putting the items on the list in the cart.

After about 30 minutes of finding stuff on the list I was done. I walked up to the check out line and the checker started checking out the groceries. "Hi, did you find everything okay?" She asked me. "Uh, yeah," what was I supposed to say? No I didn't find everything okay I only found some stuff. That question they ask just to make conversation is pointless. I paid for the groceries and left. As I walked outside I felt light raindrops on my arms and a few on my head. I got to my car and put the groceries in the back. I got in the driver's seat and started driving home.

About halfway home it started pouring out. Just my luck. As I pulled into my driveway, the rain let up a little. So I took all the groceries and ran up to the covered porch. I opened the door and went in. Brooke was in the kitchen with mum. I put the groceries on the counter and earned a thanks from mum. I sat at the breakfast bar by Brooke, eating an apple, "How did your interview go?" "It went really well, he said I got the job since no one else applied!" She said happily. "That's good, so when do you start?" "In two days." "Oh." I took out my phone and looked through Twitter. I read over a ton of girls wanting me to follow them so I followed a few. I took a picture of Brooke when she wasn't expecting it so it looked like she was half dead and posted it on Twitter, '@Harry_Styles: @Brooke_NY is following in her brother's footsteps! Meet the newest addition to my favorite bakery!' I posted it and immediately got a death glare from Brooke. "What?" I said innocently. "Don't act so innocent! Watch your back Styles!" She said. "Mum, look at this picture of Brooke!" Mum walked over to me, "Harry that was mean," she said trying not go laugh. "See even mum thinks its funny!" Brooke rolled her eyes at me and left probably going to her room or something.

Mum had the dough for the pizza made and I took a tiny piece while she wasn't look. Turns out she was looking, "Harry Edward Styles! How many times have I told you not to eat the pizza dough!" She said as if I was 5 years old. "I don't know..." I replied, embarrassed. "Well don't do it anymore," she said, pinching my cheeks. "By the way... It tastes good!" "Get out!" She said, laughing a bit. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, messing around with my phone. "Harry!?" Someone said to me as they walked the last few stairs from the basement.

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