Chapter Thirty Four

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"Thank you!" I said to a customer as they leave. "Um I'll have two cinnamon rolls please," A guy said looking at the bread. I didn't think much of who it was, so I grabbed the two last cinnamon rolls and went over to the cash register. "Alright that'll be €5.50," I say to them. "Ok," he looks at me and hands me money. "Oh for you it's €10!" I reply. "I don't get the twin discount?" Harry said. "And what about me? The best fried discount?" Skyler asked. "No to both of you, now pay!" I replied. "I'm reporting you for bad customer service!" Harry said, "Barbra!" Barbra came from the kitchen, "Someone called for me?" "Yes, I'd like to report Brooke here for bad customer service," Harry said. "That's cute Harry, now stop bothering Brooke so she can work!" And with that she was back in the kitchen.

I smirked at Harry and Skyler, "So what were you guys doing?" "We went out to lunch," Skyler answered. "How cute! So like a date?" I said directed more to Harry. He blushed, "No just hanging out." "Alone?" "Brooke, stop," he said quietly. "With my best mate?" I said, putting emphasis on 'mate' to get back at him. "Um is there something going on between you two?" Skyler asked. "No! Everything is just peachy!" I said extra happily. "Come on, let's just go," Harry said. "But we just got here!" Skyler said. "Yeah, what's the rush?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "I'm irritated," Harry said, getting more angry by the second. "Why?" I ask, but I left them to help the other customers.

Harry and Skyler went to a table in the middle of the bakery and ate their cinnamon rolls. Then after the customers left I went to the kitchen.


Harry and I sat at a table and ate our cinnamon rolls. "Is everything ok?" I ask Harry. "What? Yeah everything is fine! Why do you ask?" he replies. "Well you looked angry at Brooke." "Oh that? She's just annoying at times, I assume you would know better than anyone here." "Oh trust me, she's annoying!"

"Harry! Your rash came back?!" Barbra came out of the kitchen yelling. "What?" Harry said, his cheeks getting bright red. "Brooke said you were irritated! I assumed your rash came back and was irritated." Harry gave Brooke a death glare that no one wants to be given. She simply smirked at him. There was a teenage couple in the bakery watching the whole thing, laughing their heads off as silently as they could, and I have to admit it was pretty funny.

"Um, I want to go home," I say to Harry. "Ok," he says, still angry. We walked to Harry's car and drove home. I could really tell Harry was mad by the way he was driving. He had a tight grip on the steering wheel and was going way to fast. But I decided not to say anything. We got home and he went straight inside and to his room. I joined Gemma on the couch, "What's up?" "Not much, just watching TV," she replied, "What's wrong with Haz?" "I don't know, Brooke made him mad I think." "Ugh children these days..."


I wasn't mad at Brooke for accusing me of going on a date with Skyler, or hanging out with her. I'll admit it, I deserved that, but dragging Barbra into it? That was the lowest of lows. I was so embarrassed. Wow, now I sound like a teenage girl who just got dumped. But still... You know what? I'm gonna get her back! I'll just act like nothing ever happened and then right when she thinks things are fine between us revenge will fit her harder than a wall of bricks. Ok Harry, calm down you sound stupid! I thought to myself.

I joined Skyler and Gemma in the lounge. Obviously I say next to Skyler, "Hello." "Hey! What's up?" She replied, smiling that adorable smile of hers. "Not much, just thinking." "About?" "How I'm gonna get back at Brooke, you wanna help?" "Yeah!" "Uh..." I look over at Gemma, who is, without a doubt, listening in, "Gemma don't tell, got it?" "Maybe... for a price," she says. "€50?" I offer. "Deal," she agrees.

"Lets go somewhere other than where Gemma is, I know she'll tell details to people," I say to Skyler. We both got up and went to my room. Skyler sat on the edge of my bed, "So what were you thinking about your revenge?" "Well.. I haven't thought of anything yet," I say, sitting next to her. "Well, you could, um." She looks deep in thought. "Something she won't expect," I suggest. Skyler looks at me and nods, "Yeah." Without thinking I start leaning in, 'Harry stop! What if Skyler doesn't like you that way!' I think, but before I can give myself anymore reasons to stop, her lips meet mine. Once we realise what happened we both pull away. I look at the ground with a smirk. "So..." Skyler says after a couple seconds of silence. "Yeah..." I reply, "I'm sorry." "Don't be." "No I didn't mean to kiss you, I wasn't thinking." "Harry-" "Really," I look at her, "I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by a kiss, I pulled Skyler closer and smiled on her lips.

"Let's talk about our revenge on Brooke later," Skyler said. "Tomorrow night around 6 work?" I said with a wink and cheeky grin. "Of course!"

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