Chapter 2

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When I woke up I was strangely comfortable. I got out of bed and hit a wall, when I looked at the wall it was a dark grey unlike my purple one at home, and strangely I didn't hear my mom calling to wake me up. When I looked around I realized that nothing was the same as my room.

This room was rather large compared to mine, it had a bathroom that was huge with a bath, a Jacuzzi bath, a shower and 2 sinks. There was a walk in closet filled with a ton of guy clothes and there was a wall that was all window, with dark blinds, I opened them and it was cloudy out, another wall held a huge TV, one slightly smaller than the movie theaters taking up a wall then there was another wall with a dresser, and cabinet that held movies and video games.

Then a phone went off that showed the time of 8:03 am. The number didn't have a contact but I recognized the number as my own.

"Hello?" I questioned, my voice sounded strangely deep.

"Who is this, what did you do" a females voice rang.

"Did what and who is this."  I asked

"Look in the mirror." the person screamed.

Then I realized I was not myself. Like literally I wasn't Iris Kelly,  I was a man with curly brown hair and striking green eyes, only did I notice I only had on boxers and I had a nice body- I mean the one I had was really nice I was slim and muscular, I looked a lot better from when I had the kids; it didn't even look like I had any and I had  long curly brown hair and brown eyes. But this body was- mmm.

"Hello, who are you, why am  I like this, who am I howaremykids why aren't you at school what am  I going to do why am I half naked oh gosh" I started to panic.

"Calm down, love, I'm Harry, Where do you live." Harry asked me

"I live in New York, where am I?"

" Well I live in London, but it seems as though I am in I assume your body in New York."

"Oh gosh what is going on?" I questioned now I'm just confused.

"IIt seems as thought we some how switched bodies."

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