Storybrooke - Chapter 5

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Henry, deciding he was actually really hungry having not eaten begged Regina to accompany him to the galley in order to eat but as they got closer a familiar stench greeted them.

"What on earth?" Regina questioned as they walk through the dimly lit corridor. Before going on in they decided knocking would be the best course of action. As they did so there was a muffled sound of cursing obviously signalling Hook was in there.

"Hook?" Regina questioned cautiously before turning to Henry.

"We'll be in Storybrooke soon so you go up on top deck and we'll eat the while I find out what captain guy liner is doing" she says before kissing him on his forehead and guiding him to the staircase before opening the door to the galley.

As she was about to open it a very pale looking pirate opened the door ajar.

"Hook? What the hell happened?"curiosity taking over her.

"Oh you know checking my stomach contents before we get to Storybrooke" he replied the sarcasm dripping off his tongue "I just didn't feel great your majesty I'm going up to see where we are" but before he could move she waved her hand and nausea went but could still feel a bruise that will appear soon on the side of his cheek.

"Why thank you mi'lady"adding before making his way up and a curious evil queen following.

As he arrived on deck he made eye contact with Neal and he seemed pretty annoyed but thinking nothing of it he climbed up to the helm. As soon as he got there a rather excited Henry came up to him pulling Emma along with him. He looked at them both before asking.

"So what can I do for you as we'll be in Storybrooke soon?" he asked with a smile on his face but Emma could see a hint of worry in his eyes but she couldn't understand why.

"Well I asked my mum if I could go sailing with you and she said it's fine" he stated with a wide grin on his face.

Hook then knelt so that he was at eye level with Henry.

"Henry I would love to however I can't your father said no I don't want to upset him. I'm sorry lad" and with that he stood ruffling his hair before looking at Emma as her gaze fell on him.

"I'll just have to convince dad" he said before walked away leaving Hook and Emma at he helm.

"There's something you're not telling me" she accused him. It pained him to lie to her but he had to bend the truth this once for Henry's sake.

"Swan, Henry is Neal's son also and I can't do what I want. I have many regrets in my life but my biggest ones were what I did to Bae so sorry" he replied calmly he couldn't hold her gaze and decided to concentrate on the task at hand by steering the ship.

"Hoo-" Emma started but was cut off.

"Storybrooke is just ahead" someone shouted (probably david) and with that she made her way to the centre deck looking back at the man still steering the ship trying to figure out what's wrong.

They land swiftly in the water and were greeted by a large number of Storybrooke residents. They soon get the gang plank down so everyone can disembark. Henry walks off with Regina as David and Mary Margaret follow suite. They are then followed by Rumple and the lost boys that were saved from neverland. Hook decides to leave and helps Wendy walk down the gangplank. Leaving Neal and Emma last.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Neal raises his voice to be heard and everyone turns eyes on them.

"What are you doing?" Emma hisses at Neal. But before he answers he kisses her in front of everyone even the pirate she has come to really like over the journey. The kiss is filled with desperation and she reluctantly kisses back but as he tries to seek passage into her mouth they break apart but she can't run with Henry there. All she sees is the hurt in Killian's eyes, the pirate that had managed to have her walls tumble and now he looks empty and she can see him walk away...All she wants to do is cry.The two of them step into the crowd and she feels like she's suffocating because it doesn't feel right.

Of course she chose Neal they're true loves and it's best for her boy to have a family Hook says to himself as he walks along the beach. But saying it doesn't make it hurt less. He won't let it show however, he can't and instead is just going to be there when she falls if Neal fails to do so.

Instead of moping he decides to join the celebrations and gathers himself before making his way to Granny's.

------------------Authors note---------------------

Hey I know I made Neal look like a dick but hey see how it goes if you enjoy this follow and comments welcome

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