Courage - Chapter 8

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"What?!?" Regina practically shouted at Emma waving her arms in the air in frustration "I must say miss Swan the best person you've chosen is hook and that's saying something".

"Oi!" shouted the pirate with an eyebrow raised in a playful and skeptical way. Emma then turns to see the one handed pirate making his way over to them slowly with an almost smug smirk.

"Right, well I'll go talk to Belle and see if she can find anything on the green bitch!" Regina explains before disappearing in a cloud of smoke with the front door open.

"Well love," begins the pirate taking a step closer to Emma invading her personal space,"are you alright?". Instead of answering him she grabs his collar pulling him into a searing and passionate kiss as their lips move in sync her body molding into him as he pulls her closer to him. She can smell the sea and taste rum on his soft lips melting into the kiss. He caresses her lower lip with his tongue seeking entrance to which she eagerly grants, their tongues fighting for dominance. They finally break apart gasping for air.

"That was..." the saviour started.

"A one time thing...I get it" he answers quickly pain evident in his eyes but as he turns she grabs his arm pulling him closer to her.

"Amazing"she breaths out in a long breath before staring into his ocean blue eyes smiling at him as he looks at her in shock as she continues "Killian...I've realised being in a relationship with Neal wasn't what I wanted..."

"But I thought it was best for Henry and you chose him..." he trailed off unsure of what to say.

"Yes, it was the right thing to do, give Henry a chance at his family reuniting but I realise that he never loved me for me and the man I loved has gone. I felt like the lost girl no one wanted with him. With you, you see me for Emma Swan not the saviour just me. You scared me the way you looked at me and just knew so much about me and I'd known you like 5 hours so I did what I do best I put up walls and pushed you away giving me space to run. But you make me realise that I don't need to be that person that everyone expects leaving you on that beanstalk was one of the worst decisions I've ever made. I can just be me when I'm around you. I realise I need to stop running, because I've found one more thing to stick around for. I lo-" she was interrupted as a very angry Neal stormed over to them with his jaw clenched and hands in tight fists punching Killian in the jaw causing him to stumble backwards.

"NO! I WILL NOT LET THAT PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A LIFE TAKE AWAY MY HAPPINESS! EMMA IS MINE. NOT YOURS. HENRY IS MINE AND NOT YOURS. YOU WILL NOT TAKE THEM FROM ME AGAIN!"He screeches at Hook at the top of his voice landing another punch to his gut and another to his lower jaw. Emma tries to hold Neal back but he's too strong as she watches Henry's father hit Killian with all his force over and over, she then looks over her shoulder realising why he doesn't fight back...

"Dad?" a small voice comes from behind them to which Neal stops and slowly turns to find a terrified Henry staring at him with eyes filled with fear.

"H-Henry?"Neal stutters as he looks at into the glossy hazel eyes from unshed tears.

"Wh-What are you doing? Why are you hurting him?" Henry replies raising his voice in fear as silent tears stream down his pale cheeks staring at his father in disbelief.

"Don't worry he deserves it. He's a bad guy. He has a hook for a hand! He's nothing but a pirate with a drinking problem. Your mum deserves better!"

"My mum deserves happiness and that man has always come back and he's the one who makes her happiest other than me! I know what you did to her but I thought we could get past it and be a fami-"

"That's what I'm doing. I'm getting rid of him so we can be together! Please Henry this is what's best for you!"he tried frantically to win them both over.

"NO! Its what's best for you. You don't get it I love my mum and I really do like Hook. I love you to but you were one of the reasons I didn't get to live with my birth mum because you were to much of a coward to face your father. This is my mum's choice and if you can't deal with it then I don't ever want to see you AGAIN!"Henry replies emphasising the last word as Neal looks at him like he's just been slapped.

"Well I'm sorry"he whispers turning back to the half-conscious man lying on the ground "I can't let him win" he mumbles under his breath and shuts his eyes connecting his fist with Hooks jaw send the man crashing into Emma's lap.

"NO" she cries out looking up at Neal with pain and anger.

"HOW COULD YOU?!? YOU'RE EXACTLY LIKE YOUR FATHER THROWING EVERYHING AWAY THEN RUNNING! I HATE YOU DONT EVER TALK OR TOUCH ME AGAIN!"Henry screams before running out the apartment to find Regina leaving Neal at loss for words 'I've just lost my son' he screams inside his head.

"How could you do that? He let you have your chance and you blew it. You did the most selfish and cowardly thing you could do and now you've lost your son and any hope of me ever forgiving you" she glares at him sadness visible in her emerald green eyes.

"Emma I just wanted you..."

"Save it. I don't care. You have no chance with me or my son."

"Emma plea-" he pleads regret dripping into his hazel eyes.

"GET OUT!" she screams tears rolling down her face. "Get out" she says barely above a whisper. With that he storms out of the apartment heading into the night...

---------------------Author note------------------

So I made Neal to be a dick in all honesty so sorry baelfire fans. hope you liked this chapter

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