Chapter 5

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Zayn’S P.O.V

I awoke, threw on a pair of sweat pants, sneakers and a tank top and left like I always do.

I ran down to the local gym, and began lifting weights. No one dared disturb me, or they knew what would happen.

“Hey Zayn bro what’s good!” Black eyed Jake asked me as he walked over to me.

He’s called black eyed Jake for a reason.

“What do you want Jake?” I asked him setting down my weight.

“Nothing man.” He said stepping back. “I just heard you got a new roommate, she pretty?” He asked with his stupid glib smirk on his face.

“Jake you better leave me alone or I’ll give you another black eye.” I said closing my fists tight.

“Nah man we cool, I was just wondering if I could come over and “introduce” myself, if you know what I mean.” He said chuckling. Pervert

“Listen Jake just go back to running on the treadmill or whatever before I put you in your place like I did last week.” I said with threat rising in my voice.

“Alright man, chill, but I’ll meet her alright.”

Sick pervert. Last week I caught him trying to break into some ladies house, so I had to beat him down to size a bit. That’s where he got his black eye from.

I finished my workout and walked back home.

Madeline’s P.O.V

I’ve been awake for a while now. I heard Zayn leave… I wonder where he is going. Oh wait I couldn’t care less. Dick.

I heard a knock on my door.

“Ughh!” I moaned.

I slowly got up and opened the door, still in the same clothes as yesterday.

“Hey Madeline, how are you?” Richard asked.

I sighed in relief that it wasn’t Zayn.

“Ok I guess. Rough night.” I replied.

“That Zayn kid give you trouble?” Nicholas asked.

“No.” I replied quietly looking at my feet.

“Good well we have some paper work for you to sign and then we have a guest coming over to take you shopping for clothes and essentials.”

“Okay” I said quietly again.

I signed the paperwork agreeing to comply with whatever deemed fit, but I also had many loopholes and didn’t have to take any tests if I didn’t want to.

“Alright that’s it.” Robert said as there was a knock on my door.

I prayed it wasn’t Zayn.

Nicholas got up and opened the door to a lady in her mid-20’s.

“Madeline this is Kristie, she will take you shopping.” Robert introduced us both then he and Nicholas left.

“Ready to go Madie, can I call you Madie?” she asked.

I smiled, “Yeah I like Madie, my mom always called me Madie.” I said with tears stinging the sides of my eyes.

Kristie rubbed my back then led me through the front door.


“You’ve got everything you need Madie?” Kristie asked after 2 hours of shopping.

“Yes I think I will be fine for the next few years.” I smiled.

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