Chapter 8

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

I followed Madie and Kristie for about twenty minutes when I saw they had stopped in front of a coffee shop. They walked in and I followed closely behind.

I waited outside the shop and watched as they walked over to a pair of guys.

I saw Kristie introduce Madie to them and they both sat down. I then realized that I knew the one sitting closet to Madie, his name was Lance, we had gotten into a huge fight my first week here and I kicked his ass, he made me sick!

I watched for ten minutes. Madie began to get comfortable with Lance. She kept laughing at his jokes and smiling.

That pissed me off.

But the thing that made me want to go in there and rip his head off was he put his hand on her knee, I could see the look of discomfort on her face as she tried to remove his hand but he kept it there in place.

‘THAT’S IT!’ I yelled in my head.

I casually walked into the coffee shop.

“Hey Madie.”

“Oh hi Zayn? I thought you were at home.” She stated.

“Nope I decided I wanted some coffee.” I stared Lance down.

“Why don’t you come get it with me?” I growled lowly as I reached for her hand which she politely took, I dragged her up to the counter with me.

“What the hell are you doing Zayn?!”

“Tell them you have to go, you’re coming home… with me.” I looked directly into her eyes.

“NO I’m not, you don’t own me Zayn, just leave I was having fun.”

“You didn’t look like you were having fun when he tried to feel you up.” I stated roughly.

“He wasn’t trying to feel me up Zayn he was just being nice.” She said quietly.

“Tell them you have to go!” I growled lowly.

She retracted her hand from my grip and walked back over to the table with me following closely behind.

“Sorry guys I have to go, something came up.” She said with slight sadness in her voice.

“Ah don’t worry about it Madie, maybe we could hang out sometime.” Lance winked at her.

Out of instinct I wrapped my arm around her waist and growled at Lance. He cowered back and put his hands up in defense.

As we walked out I smiled to myself. ‘ Yeah that’s right she’s MINE!.... wait … she’s not mine….’


“What the fuck was that Zayn! Really!?” Madie screamed at me as we entered the apartment.

“You can’t let me have fun! How did you even know I was there!!!” she yelled louder.

“I followed you.” I said completely calm.

“YOU WHAT!!!!?” She screamed. “How could you do that Zayn! I don’t need a babysitting, I can handle myself!” She yelled once again.

Her yelling agrivated me.

“Whatever! Im just trying to keep you safe! Lance is a dangerous guy!”

“YOU’RE A DANGEROUS GUY! That’s right everyone told me how you act and how you are, Maybe that’s why NO ONE LIKES YOU!” Guilt panged her face after she yelled that.

“WELL MAYBE YOU’RE RIGHT! I am dangerous, I do act out, DOES THAT SCARE YOU! …………. Fine if that’s what you want then I’m leaving! Have fun when something happens and I’m not here!” I yelled and stormed out of the apartment.

The Dead Still Live. (A Dark Zayn Malik FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now