Chapter 13

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Madie’s P.O.V

 I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I walked out of my room to see Zayn shirtless and only in boxers, making what I guessed to be pancakes on the stove.

“Hey Mads.”  He said turning to see me.

“Mads?” I asked.

“It’s a nickname, I thought it was cute… fine ill just call you Madeline for now on.” He said smirking.

“No its okay, I kinda like Mads.”

“Good, I made breakfast if you want some.” He said smiling pointing to the bacon on the table and the unfinished pancakes on the stove.

“Yeah sure, thanks.” Okay what’s with him today. Hes never this sweet.

When he finished the pancakes he brought them over and we ate together in an awkward silence until he broke that silence.

“So what are you doing today?” He asked.

“Today is actually my first day at school, I’m so excited, I only have to finish two months then I can go on to college.” I smiled.

“Oh… well are you doing anything after that?”  he asked looking at the floor.

“Not that I know of, why?”

“Well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to… umm.. I don’t know.. hang out?”

I smiled, “ yeah Zayn I’d love to.”

“Okay.” He said blushing.

After breakfast I got dressed and grabbed my backpack, I had put my books, note books, pens and pencils, in there along with some snack, water, and make up just in case.

“You ready to go?” Zayn asked getting his shoes on.

“What? Where are you going?”

“I’m driving you to school.”

“I can walk it’s not that far.” I offered.

“I’m driving you to school!” he said much harsher.

I sighed and agreed. I didn’t want to start another fight.

We had walked down the stairs into the parking garage.

“Stay here I’ll go get the car.”

I waited until I saw a black 2013 BMW pull up. Zayn then stepped out of the car and came to open my door for me.

I stood gaping. “Zayn how can you afford this! This is amazing!”

“I work, now get in the car.” He grumbled.

We drove down a few blocks until we reached the school, I was a tad early and everyone seemed to be standing outside.

“I’m nervous.” I admitted.

“Don’t be you’ll do fine.” He smiled.

Before I got out of the car I saw many faces staring at me, or were they looking at the car? They didn’t look impressed, more like terrified. I was so confused.

As I was about to open the door to step out, Zayn locked me in. “What are you doing?”

“Just shut up.” he told me.

He walked to my side of the door and opened it for me.

“You know I can open my own doors thank you very much.” I said sassily.

“Yeah whatever, just go to school, don’t want to be late.” He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him, grabbed my back pack and started to walk away. That was until I felt my arm being grabbed. The next thing I knew Zayn’s lips were pressed to my cheek. It made me shutter. He pulled back and smiled, “Have a good day Mads.”

“Uh, y-yeah, you too. Bye Zayn.” And with that he was on his way.

I looked up to see every pair of eyes on me. Some were glaring at me but most look scared of me. I shrugged in confusion and walked towards the school doors.

I walked into the school as the bell rang, every kid there pilled in and stepped into their class room. I headed to the main office and asked for my schedule which a nice old lady gave to me , also wishing me luck on my first day.

I walked into my first class of the day, Chemistry.

“Ahh Miss Collins, you’re late, but since it is your first day I’ll let it slide.” The teacher said.  Everyone stared at me; I blushed and sat down in an empty seat third row back.

I looked to my left and saw a small girl about my size, wearing big glasses and cute head band.

“Hi I’m Madeline, but you can call me Madie!”  I said cheerfully.

“Hi… I’m Sara, you’re Zayn’s girl right?” she said shyly.

“Zayn’s girl? What are you talking about?”

“Well this morning I saw you get out of his car… well everyone saw you, and then he kissed you on the cheek.”

“Oh yeah I don’t know what that was about but Zayn and I are just…. Friends… I think.”

“Oh okay.” She said quietly and turned back to her work.

 After class I tried to talk to Sara, but she just kept walking faster.

“Sara! Wait up!” I yelled catching up to her. “Why are you walking away?”

“Listen Madie, you’re a nice girl and all but I can’t be seen talking to you, 1. Your Zayn’s girl, and 2. You’re too pretty to be talking to the school nerd.”

“You’re not a nerd, and I happen to like you, but I already told you I’m not Zayn’s girl…. Wait, even if I was his girl, which I’m not, why couldn’t you talk to me?”

“No one talks to Zayn’s girl, if he saw you with another guy, he'd kill ‘em. He’s had girlfriend’s before and every time he does he makes sure that their his and no one else’s, so no one can talk to them.”

“That’s ridiculous, I can talk to who ever I want! Zayn cant control me, we aren’t even dating , we are barley friends.” I explained.

“Okay but when you guys do date just be careful. If I was you I wouldn’t even talk to him, hes dangerous.” She said.

“What do you mean dangerous?”

this was more of a filler chapter sorry. a better chapter is to come!!

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