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Battered and beaten, she stayed huddled in the corner. Bruises were already forming on her once flawless skin. Her hair, that was voluminous and framed her face perfectly, was now dull and lost all shape.

She hugged herself. Trying to protect herself. The door flew open and her eyes immediately flitted to the doorway. At the door, stood the one person who caused her so much pain. Her father.

After her mother's death, he abused alcohol. Came home, late at night, with eyes bloodshot red. Stubble on his jaw line because he couldn't take a minute to clean himself. He slowly approached her, the floor creaking with each step he took closer. When he was directly in front of her, he raised his right hand, ready to strike her. Knowing what was about to come, she flinched and tried to bury herself deeper in the corner. It was of no use because he already swung at her. His hand left an imprint on her cheek, already swelling and changing colors.

He left her room just as quickly as he entered it. She held her throbbing cheek in her hands and finally let the tears fall down. She didn't cry of the excruciating pain from her cheek, she was already used to worse than that. But from the emotional pain her father caused her since her mother's death. She didn't understand her father much anymore. She was always "Daddy's little girl" and he treated her like a princess. But now he was a monster.

She slowly crawled to her bed. Making as little to no noise as possible because her father would be back faster than you can take a breath. She climbed on top her bed. Drawing the duvet over her body. She took the remaining picture she had of her mother and held it close to her chest.

"I wish I was with you," she said in a hushed voice.

Little sobs escaped her mouth and tears kept flowing freely down her face. After what seemed like years, she was finally unconscious in a deep and peaceful slumber.


Author's Note:

I hope you guys like it. First teen fiction I'm posting on here. Comment on what you think of it so far.


May 05, 2013

Catching RoseWhere stories live. Discover now