Chapter 3

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The temperature had dropped drastically since the morning. Although the summer had just begun, it felt as if it was the middle of winter. The wind whipped across her face, sending her hair into a tangled mess.

Despite the cold weather she felt, people were still out and about. Some were women wearing shorts and some were wearing summer dresses. It was probably the adrenaline and stamina they had pumping through them that kept them warm.

She wrapped her small arms around her tiny frame. It did little to protect her from the harsh winds that seemed to pick up. The trees on the sidewalk swayed in front of her, sending leaves to fall down on the ground beneath her feet. They made a crunching sound as she stepped on them and that little sound made her heart race. It brought back memories she didn't want to remember.

Her pace picked up as did the wind. It seemed that her arms were doing nothing to keep her warm. Two more blocks and then she could hide under her covers. Hiding in her bed was where she felt the safest. Nothing could get to her then.

Dogs began barking loudly and footsteps were heard from behind her. At first she thought she was just hearing things but they continued to follow her. She began to jog. She was almost home. The footsteps were coming even faster.

She didn't know who or what could be following her. But one thing was certain, she didn't want them to know where she lived. Instead of crossing the street to get to her house, she turned the corner. The woods was in her line of sight now. If she goes through it, she could take a shortcut and find herself in her backyard.

The sun was just starting to set and if she didn't hurry, she wouldn't know what was lurking in the shadows. Before walking into the woods, she made sure no one was behind her. After checking her vast surroundings, she proceeded to the woods.

It was eerily quiet to her but she didn't mind. Right now wasn't the time to make a fuss of the stillness of the city. She had more important matters. Like getting home.

The wind howled. The branches snapped. Dead leaves crunching under the weight of her feet. But in the distance, there were still footsteps to be heard.

Her heart thumped loudly as she continued her way. Her veins pumping from the sudden adrenaline rush to get home. It was suddenly too hot for her to bear. She felt she could pass out soon. But she couldn't. She needed to get home first. A warm bath and dinner should help ease her.

The footsteps were closer. Louder. She was brought back to reality and took off in a sprint. Sweat trickled down her forehead. She could see her house just a few meters away. It was so close yet so far.

She continued to push herself to her limits. At the speed she was going, she could make it to the Olympics. Her breathing was hard. Her lungs on fire and constricting of oxygen. But she needed to continue.

An ear- piercing scream was echoed through the woods. She was caught. The grasp on her shoulder was barely there. It tugged on her shirt lightly yet keeping a firm grip.

Her fight-or-flight instincts kicked in. She struggled against the hold. Tears were now streaming down her face. She was scared.

Her shirt ripped and she tumbled to the ground. She scrambled to get back on her feet. She turned aruond slowly, wanting to see who it was.

A branch was holding on to a ripped piece of her shirt. That explained the ligh pull. She over-reacted, thinking it was some psychotic being. As for the footsteps she heard, that was probably her mind playing tricks on her.


"You're a worthless slut," he said with such disgust in his voice.

She stood her ground in the living room. His words meant nothing to her. He's called her every name known to the English language. She's heard them all before.

At first, she shed tears when he threw profanities at her. That was when she still respected him and believed he told her. She was gullible to his lies and vulnerable.

"You're a waste of space."

Whatever respect she had for him, she lost. He deserves nothing from her. Not her respect, her care, her love and certainly not her tears.

But she knows that no matter what, there will always be a part of her that would continuously look out for him. Through all the years of pain and misery he put her through, he's all she has left. Her friends all abandoned her as if she carried a deadly virus. Both of her parents were an only child, so she had no aunts or uncles.

"You killed your mother. You're a murderer," his voice dripping with venom.

He could've called her any name there is and it wouldn't have hit her hard. But this was on a whole new level. She already carried the guilt with her but hearing the words come from her father's mouth made it all the more real. The pain in her chest getting more unbearable.

All it took was one blow across her face and she would be laying across her living room floor, unconscious to world around her.


So I finally updated. This is how the chapter came out and I hope you enjoyed it. Thought I'd give you a little insight with Rose.

Dedication goes to @Love1D4everrrr for the cover she made on the side.

P.S. There's this war movie I got stuck in my head but can't remember the name. Anyone want to help me? The main character's name is Randy(I think) and he dies. He has a wife who's pregnant, has a girl and name's her Randi. But who watches war movies other than me? No one in their right mind.

August 15, 2013

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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