Chapter 1

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The sun shined in the early hours of the morning, casting a blinding light to peak through the curtains. Tiny dust particles scattered in the air, only visible in the light. The walls were painted a light shade of blue to match a clear sky. Picutres of family and friends were once hanging on the walls. But now, it was as bare as can be.

It could've been viewed as a typical teenager's bedroom with a canopy bed and a desk sitting in the corner. But it wasn't. Not with all the memories that came along with it. If it wasn't for that fateful night two years ago, things would be different than they are now. A horrific night that changed the lives of everyone. And not for the better.

Since then, any and every thing that showed any form of happiness was left out. The pictures taken with friends and family were ripped off the walls. The same goes towards posters of adored bands and singers. One might think that they ended up in the waste collection across town. Instead they were buried deep in the back of the closet. They were the only contents left to reminisce of happy and good times.

She finally stirred in her sleep after having the sun blanket her for quite some time. She stretched her limbs, letting a small yawn escape her lips. A quick glance at her alarm clock showed her she awoke early. The covers were strewn all over her bed except over her body. She lifted her legs over the side of the bed. Dragging herself off the bed and towards the bathroom.

Sleep was stil visible in her eyes as she stood in front of the mirror. What was reflected didn't surprise her. Her hair resembled a bird's nest. Her lips chapped with dry blood from her continuous habit of biting them. The reflection stayed still as did she. Slowly but surely,  she raised her hands to her face. Tear stains took up most of her face. She ran her fingers over her cheek and she felt it was slightly sticky.

From all the crying she's done over the past few years, she thought she'd cry herself dry. Or at least die from dehydration. Each night continued to prove her wrong as tears continued to flow freely.

Her hand rested over the freshest bruise. It was slightly redder than the rest of her face. She was lucky last night. Although it was painful and looked horrible, it was nothing compared to the rest.

The cold water that came running out of the faucet felt refreshing against her warm skin. She looked a bit better than when she walked in. The only thing that remained the same was her eyes. Looking into them you'd see a lifeless soul. But it didn't surprise her. Of course not. She's grown accustomed to the face that stares back at her. She'd be surprised for once, if she wakes up half decent.

The drawer was pulled open as she rummaged through it. The little amount of clothing she had were thrown carelessly over her shoulder. Her heart beat quickened as she couldn't find the accessory. It was the last gift her mother gave her and she always wore it when it was time to visit the patients. As what seemed like a light clicking in her head, she remembered she put it under her pillow.

The clean, white tiles squeaked with every step she took forward. She gave a small smile as she passed the receptionist's desk. She's been coming here so often that she can reach the room with her eyes closed.

As she was about to open the door, she heard voices from the other side. One of which she wasn't familiar with. The door swung quietly open as she stepped inside. Sitting upright on the hospital was Lucy. Her life has become limited at such a young age. Nestled in the armchair beside the bed was a boy. He had a medium build and brown almost blonde hair. He was faced with his back to her, so she couldn't get a glimpse of his face.

She let out an awkward cough to let them know of her presence. Lucy looked up, a smile plastered on her face as she saw who came in. Her heart swelled as she was the reason for that smile. She suddenly remembered the other person in the room with them. He was staring at her with curiosity. 

He had a strong, squared jaw that looked to be as smooth as silk. His small, hazel eyes reminding her of caramel. Just looking at them, she could enter another world and get lost in it. And finally his thin lips. They simply were like tiny rose petals. To say he was attractive would be the understatement of the century. He was beyond words could describe.

The chair screeched as he got up. He made his way towards her, stopping at only a foot away from her.

"I'm Christopher. Christopher Montgomery," he said. He brought up his hand from his side, casuing her to flinch. She squeezed her eyes tightly as she waited for an impact. But it never came. Her eyes slowly opened, only to see his hand in front of her.

"You're supposed to shake it," he chuckled.

She didn't know whether to trust him or not. Hesitatingly, she took his hand in her's. Her small hand was wrapped in his warm, firm grip. It felt foreign to her. She hasn't had a proper physical contact for years. But strangely, it felt nice.

"I'm Rose."


Here's the first chapter. Woohoo!!! I finally posted since what seemed like forever. I actually wrote a majority of this last night, only working on it the past few days. Procastination is my best friend.


July 03, 2013

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