Part 1

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"Time to go fishing." I said out loud in the privacy of my car as I pulled up along the side of road, where the local bonfire was being held by the students of Boston University was taken place. Killing the engine, I pull my purse into my lap and fished around for my favorite blood red lipstick. Once I retrieved it, I begun to put it on ever so carefully. Momma says, the art of lipstick application should never be taken lightly.

Its an art form.

And if done correctly.


Think about it for a sec, you twist the stick out of it tube, you awaken a once limp cock making it rise, you place the tip to your plump lips and so very carefully spread it across your lips, never once going out of the lines. And once pleased with your work, you rub your lips together, adding just the right amount of moisture from your tongue. Voilà. You're done. See? Sex.

Something I do very well, Actually, something I've just done. Well not really. My latest conquest was Brooklyn....something? He's the lead quarterback from our rival college football team. He's been finding reasons and excuses to come here to see me. At first, I wasn't the least but interested, mainly because, he wants more. Or so he said while he was eating me out but I kept shoving his head back down, trying to get him to shut the hell up.

But he wouldn't!

So, I kicked his sorry ass out and now here I am. Looking for someone else to take care of this throbbing, aching feeling between my legs. One way or another, I always get what I want. So finding someone to fucj, won't be a problem. Tossing my lipstick back in my purse, I check to make sure u have all the essentials. Extra pair of clean panties, check , baby wipes to clean up, check, after dick mints, check and my favorite peppermint perfume, check. All set. Giving myself a final once over, I look down at my pussy and say "Don't worry Oreo, mommy will find someone to take care of you."

Yes, I calk my pussy Oreo. Why you may ask? Its Americas favorite cookie. And she works the exact same, spread her open, lick her insides and enjoy. Everyone loves Oreo's, men, women. Hey, I don't discriminate, sex is sex. Stepping out of my Miata MX5, I shut the door with my hip and hit the alaram. Adding a stick of gum into my mouth, I hike up my already short shorts and strut my stuff towards the fire in search of my newest play mate.

Before You *HARRY STYLES FANFIC*Where stories live. Discover now