Part 2

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I pass a group of already drunken guys whose jaws nearly hit the damn ground as I pass.

"Damn looking good, Nessa!" Says one

"GODDAMN DAT ASS!" says another.

Twirling my hair around my finger I smile and continue to walk without looking back to see what guy said what. Because I'm sure, I already fucked them and I never, fuck twice. That's apart of my rules. Rule number three to be precise. What's number one? Doesn't matter, that's a rule I would never ever break.

"Look who has slumed her way into a party she wasn't invited too. Little Miss Vanessa All Night Diamond" said a voice of a howler monkey. Only one person I know has a voice like that. Exhaling deep, I slowly pivot around and see her. The girl who has seen Mean Girls too damn much and has made herself believe, she is Regina George.

Oh this should be fun.

"Tedi Ward." I announced rolling NY head to the side and estch her size me up.

"What are you doing here? Last I checked, you weren't on the guest list." She tells me, taking out her cell phone and scrolling through. She shakes her head and looks back up at me. "Nope, no whores allowed."

"Since when is a bonfire invitation only? And more importantly, since when do I listen to you?" I replied back stepping towards her and folding my arms across my chest. Tedi meets my steps and steps closer to me.

This chick is really trying me tonight. "Since I'm the one throwing this bonfire for my friends " she guesters to the crowd and back at me "And you aren't my friend" she spats, extending her index finger and tapping me on the nose.

Yep, she tried me.

Snickering, I roll my eyes and in one quick move, I grab her finger and in a upward motion,bend it backwards. Tedi let's out a high pitched scream. Dropping her cup she falls to the ground in agony.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? LET HER GO!" one of her minions, I don't know or care whi , shouts at me. I shoot all of them a death glare, silencing them instantly and making them take a step backwards. With the blunt of my heels, I step in her foot, causing her to scream louder.

Calmly but forcefully I say "Don't.Ever.Point. Your. Finger. At. Me. Got it?"


"Good, Tonight, you've been touched by an angel, sweetie. Im on a mission, so I can't kick your ass. Next time. You may not be so lucky." Letting go of her finger, I step off her hand and walk.away. Now, normally, I'm not a bitch, but she picked the wring day to mess with me. Lack if sex man, it'll do that to you.

A good fuck will put my mood back in check though. Making my way to the keg, I grab a beer and scope out the talent, when I feel a presence behind me, followed by a deep voice.

"Well, Well,Well, who do we have here?" Without even turning around ,I knew who that voice belonged to. Biting my lip, I turn slowly on my heels, coming face to face with the guy who fucked more girls than I fucked guys.

Travis Sharpe.

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