Sweet talkin'

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(AN: it's been a while I apologize!! I Sowwy I Sowwy! But I am backkkkkkkkkk and I'd like to thank @louiscocoa for that because she commented on my last chapters and made me vv happy :$ so that's all for now! Just so you know I have no plan for this story, I just free style every chapter. What you comment influences what will happen :) -Jay )

Jay's POV

    "Oh my god" I woke up to a pale faced Lauren pacing back and forth. "Huh?" I mumbles confused on why I wasn't in my bed. "Jay! You're awake! Oh my god you're only fifteen! Your mom will kill me!" She shouted, tears welling up in her eyes. I stared blankly at her in confusion. "Did you..?" She gestured to the sleeping blonde beside me. Suddenly it all clicked and I giggled loudly. "Oh God, Laur of course not!" I assured her. She pulled me into a hug mumbling apologies into my hair, judging by the love bites on her neck I highly doubt she was all that sorry.

Harry's POV

Louis had ended up staying the night because we fell asleep half way through The Goblet of Fire. He probably would've had to stay anyway since Zayn never returned from "getting something from Louis' house" but I wasn't complaining, I got more time with the pixie like boy perched on my lap.

He was currently munching on some dry fruit loops and washing it down with a glass of milk. Perrie sat across from me poking at her eggs with her fork, a guilty look on her face. "What's wrong, mum?" I asked causing Louis to look up from his colourful breakfast at Perrie. "I made Lauren ditch Jay and she woke up crying because Jay has social anxiety and now I feel really guilty" she sighed.

I was about to console my friend when a noticed Jay herself lean over the chair and hug Perrie from behind. "Lauren is like a sister and I guess that makes you my sister in law basically. It's alright, I'm not mad." She said softly with a small smile. Her eyes suddenly lit up with excitement as she rushed to take the chair next to Perrie, "I actually umm met someone last night, his names Ni-"

She was cut off by a hungover Niall sliding into the chair next to me. "Hi Niall!" She chirped, her grin close to splitting her face in half. He looked up with red rimmed eyes "umm do I know you, kid?" He asked slowly his face scrunching up in confusion and annoyance. Her face fell and she looked down at her empty plate, "No I guess not" she spoke, her voice just a whisper. "Okk then" he rolled his eyes, finishing the conversation and sending the table into an awkward silence.

  Perrie cleared her throat, "So Jay, you were saying you met a guy?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows and elbowing the small girl. Lauren had just walked in landing a peck on Perrie's lips and a kiss to Jay's cheek. "Can we go?" Jay asked looking up for the first time since Niall had arrived to Lauren. "Ummm sure just let me grab breakfast and change." Lauren replied, looking to Perrie and having a silent conversation before turning to Jay. "Are you alright, kiddo?" Jay abruptly left the table with clenched fists "I'll wait for you in the Car" she snapped before the front door slammed. "What's her problem?" Niall chuckled earning a glare from Perrie and Louis.

  "I'm gonna go check on her" Louis excused himself and Perrie quickly followed him. I continued to eat my breakfast, my thoughts clouded with Louislouislouis. Lauren and Niall seemed to be having a heated conversation but I was too busy thinking about the petite boy to listen.

(AN: there will be another chapter up soon, as in today. I know it seems like the story has had more Jiall than Larry but it will pick up soon I promise!! Xx -Jay)

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