Break up

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"Hey Claire can you come over and bring Jason with you too" I said over the phone.

"Yeah be there in 5 y/n " Claire said.

I hung up and sat on the couch and started thinking about Brooklyn. His been acting really weird lately. And I need advice.

Luckily Brooklyn was at college right now and he didn't come home until 5:00. There was a knock on the door I got up and opened it.

"Hey what's wrong Claire told me you need us to come over?" Asked Jason

"Well Brooklyn has been acting weird lately he always leaves at eight and sometimes he never come back to sleep. And I sleep by myself" I said bring sodas to the living room

"And do you have any idea of what he does?" Claire asked

"Well he says he has to go see his family because his mom was sick but,I called Victoria to see if he was there and she said no and that's she was fine" I explained

"Well that means he sees someone" Jason said

I thought about for a while. But,I don't think he would do that to me would he?....

"Why do follow him when he leaves and found for once" Claire suggested

"I don't know... But,I want to find out what he does. Let's just follow him" I said

Jason waited outside in Claire's car with her. I checked the time it was 5:00. He was coming home any minute. I heard the door open and it was him.

"Yeah babe your home" I said hugging him he smiled

He said he was hungry so,I gave him pizza. Then after he was done eating we decided to watch the movie fast and furious.

~half way through the movie~

I pretended to fall asleep. He got up and left. I checked the time it was 8 exactly. I texted Jason that he left. I quickly got a coat and locked the door on my way out.

I got in the Claire to follow him. So,many thing were going through my mind. What if he is cheating on me...

"Claire let two cars get in front of you so,he doesn't think your following him cause he knows your car" I said shaking

He drove off the freeway and we followed him till we got to a hotel. I told claire to park a few spaces away from his parking space.

Why a hotel???

We waited till he got out of the car. Then once he got to the room which was on third floor. Me and Jason got out and ran to the room.

"Jason hack the lock" I whispered

"Okay it ready wait till I go down okay" he whispered back

I nodded and he texted me he was down. I could hear moaning from the inside. I closed my eyes and slowly turn the knob. Once I opened the door there he was fucking Sonia. They looked at me

"Brooklyn I trusted you!" I cried I couldn't hold back the tears and ran down to Claire's car


Brooklyn's POV

I ran down while putting my jeans on. I caught up to her and grabbed her waist and kissed her. She tried to get lose of my grip but, I was stronger. She tried again and she got lose.

"Don't ever kiss,call,message or look for me again" she said wiping off her tears

"No,please forgive me!" I begged

She turned around and got in Claire's car. I ran and got in front of the car to stop it but,then everything went black.......


I did add Sonia I'm sorry if it bother you. They were together in Paris But,vote for part 2!❤

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