Mayuzumi x Reader - Farm in the sun {Request}

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Shoutout to @Miss_Jane_Doeee for requesting! Requests are open everyone! 

Art belongs to Production I.G


(Name) gazed out the window, calmly watching the rain fall and listening to its gentle applause against the roof. It was one of the best feelings when she was able to sit like this, nothing to do, nowhere to be, and only the rain to command her attention.

 Days like this weren't life changing, but they made for a refreshing change of pace, especially since the recent abundance of sunny, dry, days. Maybe later she'd make some kind of soup, or read a book, the possibilities were endless on such a day, and that was mildly comforting to her.

(Name) heard the sound of woolen feet on the hardwood flooring and she turned around with a smile ghosting her face. She hummed a greeting and gently patted the seat next to her in a silent invitation. Soon, a blanket was wrapped around the two them and they were in each other's arms comfortably.

A pair of lips were pressed to her cheeks, and (Name) heard him say, "I brought a book."

A simple as the statement was, (Name) eye's sparkled at the notion. On the days where they had nothing to do, they read together instead of watching a movie like most couples would. It worked perfectly for them, because they could read silently (at the exact same pace), or they could have fun with the voices of the characters when they read aloud to each other. Either way, they always enjoyed these quiet occasions.

She turned to smile at him, "Which one?~"

He smirked, "The third installment of the Beyonders" ((10/10 would recommend btw))

(Name) squealed, "You found it?"

He nodded, "Last one at the store."

Soon, they were lost in the fictional world of the Beyonders for the next 3 hours

(Name) yawned and stretched as they reached the end of a chapter, "Want to pause here?"

Mayzumi closed the book in response, "Whatever you want."

(Name) laughed and stood up, gently shaking the blanket off of her, "In that case, I think I'll make some hot chocolate then. Want some?"

"You know it."

(Name) smiled and disappeared into the kitchen to carry out her promise of delicious drink, whistling as she turned on the stove.

Unbeknownst to her, Mayuzumi had also left their cozy spot, and snuck into their bedroom to retrieve something.

~Flashback to two weeks ago~

(Name) paced back and forth just outside of the Rakuzan Gymnasium, clearly thinking hard. Posted on the wall was the signups for the boy's basketball team, but it was the only one there. There was no form for girls. (Name) had tried to join the boys team, but the team captain forbade her from even trying out. (Name) was originally furious, I mean, how sexist is that? But she then learned that it was because the captain knew that she was dating Mayuzumi, and thought that she would prove to be a distraction to him. Still kind of prejudiced and unfair, but who in the world is going to argue with Akashi Seijuro?

(Name) stopped to stare at the signups once again, could she start a girls team? Would people even join? Laying her head against the wall, she sighed and resigned to focus even harder on her classes instead.

But, just as she was pushing off the wall, she felt a hand on her shoulder and the tickle of someone's familiar breath on her ear.

"We'll figure something out."

~ end of flashback ~

Of course, (Name) had forgotten all about the incident and resolved to focus on the difficult classes at Rakuzan, but Mayuzumi had been working behind her back unbeknownst to her. He had grown to love basketball, and there was no way he was going to stand by while his loved one was forced aside the sport because she was female.

As (Name) returned to their reading spot with a tray of hot chocolate and napkins, she was greeted with the sight of Mayuzumi sitting with a paper in one hand and a box in the other.

She gently set down the tray on the waist-high bookshelf they kept all of their novels in, tilting her head ever so slightly.

Wordlessly, Mayuzumi motioned for her to sit down next to him, and when she did, he placed the box in her lap.

"Go on.", he urged her, barely able to contain his smile.

He watched as (Name) opened the box, and pulled out a pair of-

"Basketball... shoes?" (Name) looked at him in confusion, "Thank you, but I can't play..."

Mayuzumi's smile had now made itself apparent, and it grew wider with each passing second. He handed her the piece of paper.

There, for the world to see, was an application form for a girl's basketball club, with a giant red stamp of approval on top. Girls had signed up, and the name filling the captain's position was her very own.

Tears filled (Name)'s eyes and she tackled Mayuzumi in a hug, "Chihiro.... Thank you. Oh god, I love you so much."

Mayuzumi held her tightly and planted a kiss on her lips, "You'll do great." 

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