Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

I woke up in the morning, not wanting to go to school.

I didn't want to show my face after what happened this weekend, especially since Zayn will rub it in my face even more with our peers around.

I groaned as I forgot to close the curtains to my window. The Hawaiian sun shone brightly into the room, blinding me for a few seconds as I shook off the sleep that still drowned my brain.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and unlocked it, checking a few Twitter notifications. My phone buzzed as Harry's name popped up on my screen.

HARRY: hey can I come over. I have to tell you something.

I frowned at the text and quickly replied, moving my fingers swiftly across the touch screen. Why does it have to be this early Harry?

LOUIS: yea sure.

I lock my phone and walk quietly out of my room. Gracie stands at the counter, silently flipping pancakes, while humming a song that I don't recognize. A grin is brought to my face as she starts to sway her hips back and forth in an awkward fashion.

I chuckle a little to loud a couple minutes later, which shocks her as she jumps and drops the spatula. She turns around with wide eyes, but then glares at me, "Louis, you scared me."


She looks at me suspiciously as I sit my big bum on one of the bar stools. I hold my chin in my hand as I stare back at her.

"What's up with you this Monday morning?" Gracie turns back around to continue working on her breakfast and I look down at the counter sadly.

"I could ask you the same thing. You never make your own breakfast, let alone anyone's breakfast." I mumble tracing my finger through the cracks of the counter. The doorbell rings and I stand up quickly, not letting Gracie get out anymore words.

I open the door quietly and I don't meet eyes with Harry as he stands at the doorstep. I move my feet awkwardly back and forth. He coughs and I move my eyes slightly up to meet his. He frowns at my behavior before slipping into the doorway and into my house. I close the door quietly and Harry grabs my wrist leading me to the back door.

Gracie gives us both a suspicious glare as we exit out of the sliding back door, but Harry just smiles and waves towards her.

Harry holds tightly onto my wrist, my feet sinking in slightly in the sand. The tide is low but the waves still crash a long the beach. I stare at the ground and Harry stops pulling me. I stand there with my arm dangling by my side. He keeps his his eyes on me as he slowly lowers himself to the sandy ground. I follow his actions and lower myself to sit beside him.

Once we are both settled and comfortable, Harry wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. I hum in contentment and move impossibly closer to him. I don't know why but every inch of me is telling me to get closer to him although I am basically already on him.

We sit in silence, huddled close together on this windy April morning with sand covered legs. I start to wonder what was so important, that Harry had to text me and ask if I was available to talk before school. It scared me and it put me in a position of confusion and nervousness.

"You're probably freaking out in that pretty little head of yours, aren't you?" he whispers against the wind, right on the shell of my ear. I nod silently not trusting my voice.

He continues when he doesn't receive a verbal response, "have you ever thought about your future?"

"Many times."

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