Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen:

I woke up to rough snoring and the soft buzz of the TV. I open my eyes, squinting around the room to find out where I am.

I finally recognize my room and look at the TV, while the white screen shines back at me. I go to grab the remote but I stop when a small whine erupts from beside me and arms tighten around me even more. I look confusedly down at the arms then over my shoulder to find a curly haired boy snoring and mumbling in his sleep. I smile and turn in his arms so I am now facing him rather than him spooning me.

I brush some of his curls out of his face and smile at his soft facial features. He doesn't wake up though because Harry was always known to sleep deeply.

Last night is a blur but I remember the main points.

Harry Styles loves me.

I love Harry Styles.

But I haven't told him yet.

And I am kind of scared to.

I know, I know what you're thinking. Why can't you tell him? Why are you scared? He loves you too. He has even told you more than once. He seems pretty sure too!

I know all of that, and that's not what I'm scared of. I'm scared that if I choose to continue this relationship, how will surfing turn out? Will Harry get in the way of winning Regionals? And maybe going even farther? What if he wants me to move back to California or some big city on the East Coast? What if he wants me to stop surfing so we can do other things?

My mind races with 'what if' questions as I lay there in Harry's arms stroking his messy hair back into place. My mind seems to trace back in time to the day of the shark attack. All that blood that swam through the water and all the screams and pleas for help. And the shark...

It was too much. And I didn't even realize I started to breathe heavily.

Despite the brushing of Harry's hair, I couldn't seem to get my breathing under control while I thought all these terrible memories that I wish to forget. I didn't even realize that my erotic breathing woke up the lanky boy next to me.

"Louis?" Harry shook me, putting his huge hand on my stub of a shoulder.

I gasp and fall out of bed at the sudden touch and crawl backwards to the wall. I curl my legs into a ball holding both my knees together with one arm. That's all I have anyway.

"Louis?!" Harry rushes down to sit next to me against the wall. He doesn't touch me, afraid that he might frighten me again. But he lingers close to me, close enough to where I can still feel his warmth.

"Sorry-" I gasp out, my chest still rising and falling quickly. I try breathing in and out faster to get the oxygen to flow faster through my lungs but it doesn't seem to work.

"Breathe slow Lou. Take deep even breaths. Follow me." Harry says pointing to his chest, where his lungs rest inside of him.

He breathes slowly along with me to try and get it under control so that I can form words and sentences without running out of oxygen.

I grip his hand so tight that his fingers start to turn a dark shade of red but he doesn't mind as he slowly rubs my back with slow even circles.

I lean farther into him, not really wanting to get away from his perfect scent and the warm embrace. He leans back against the wall as I curl farther into him.

He hums a soft melody that my mother used to sing to me as a child. His mother probably sang the same one. I lean my head against his shoulder and turn my head into his neck.

The Surf | Larry StylinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang