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I saw Shirley today. She looked happy. Why wouldn't she be?? She has all she deserves.

Anyway... back to my sob-story. I hate to admit but I got bullied again. Thats not even the worst part. I look like a wreck. Bloodshot eyes, dark circles, rugged clothes, messy hair and what not. I think Kaila heard me crying yesterday. Gosh... what would she be thinking??

Did I mention I have this long bloody cut on my hand. Yeah. Self harm it is. It still hurts like a bitch. But its not that bad. I knew I was about to have suicidal thoughts one day. Better late than never. The scar reminds me of what I deserve. I won't tell anyone. They will obviously pity me. Even Shirley.

Its just something about this long narrow scar that makes me want to touch it. My hand seems to have got a little reflex now. When i am anxious or something bad happens I just automatically touch it. It got an undefined power.

If I ever lost my life would anyone even care? Yeah... suicidal thoughts again... I can't help it. They just find a way to enter my non-existing brain.

I have this mask of brightness plastered all over my face when in reality everything behind it is... Broken. I am dwelling here in my misery and people think I get everything served in my hands. I deal with sadness too people. Do not judge me too fast. I have panic attacks. I have my scars. I have me flaws too.

Everyone thinks I am this uptight strong bitch whose arrogant as hell and manages to ace through everything. But no... I agree I come off rude to people. Not mean. But rude. That is because I am scared if I be the sweet type they will know what is actually happening inside. They will know about what I deal with. They will be able to see the hideous scars I so desperately hide.

My life is not even close to being a fairytale where suddenly a prince comes and saves the broken and dying princess. Lets be real for a moment. That shit is never gonna happen. At least not to me. I doubt if anybody can actually save me from all of this. I am not gonna suddenly fall in love and you know come out of all these insecurities, bullying, mom-dad fights, etc etc

"Can you for once just come out of your room and stop sinking in your thoughts Jess. I am tired of dealing with you!!", my mother yelled at me barging straight into my room.

Its the daily show. Don't worry. I have heard worse than this to be honest. 'Totally positive here Jessica' I said to myself.

My mother kept yelling at me for I don't even know what. Apparently me sitting in my room bothers her. A lot. I don't even want to know now what the next day is gonna bring up for me. I don't care. I doubt its gonna be any better than this.

' Its gonna be worse ' was what my stupid mind yelled at full volume. Words of encouragement I get from myself are just endearing and sarcasm is just dripping from each word of this statement.

Lets see what you got for me life. I know I won't even be able to live through half of it though.

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