Chapter 4

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Ariel slipped out of bed to the kitchen.He accidentally slammed the bedroom door which woke up Toni.She busted open her bedroom door with an m16a4 in her hand ready to shoot which made Ariel scream and tumble down a few steps.Diamond jumped up and wrapped the bed sheets around her and busted opened the door."What hell is going on???".She yelled looking at both Ariel and Toni with wide eyes.They all starred at each other as everyone else came out they're rooms.Bone and Humy were somewhat naked,Rose and Kavina and Kenzie looked as if they had been doing some threesome action,And Carol's looked like she just got fucked by a couple of dudes.Her hair was all over the place.Diamond's hair looked like mufasa.Toni was only in boxers and her training bra as usual.Everyone looked at each other up and down and busted out laughing."Looks like everyone had a sex night I see".Toni said looking at kenzie and smirking. She looked back at her with a sarcastic expression then laughed.

"Ariel and Bone meet me in the garage in 5 minutes okay?".Toni said walking back upstairs with Carol in her arms."Why does Toni always hold on to her?".Kavina asked being nosey as usual.Kenzie looked away ignoring the question.She had always had a thing for Toni but she could never get to courage to say something.Toni considered her a good friend therefore Toni told her everything.Kenzie got up and walked out the other room with a bowl of cereal in her hand."No Clue".Rose said finishing up her breakfast.

Toni set Carol down onto the bed."You gonna be okay?".She asked pulling her fingers through Carol's hair.Carol nodded and cuddled the M16a4 beside her out of fear."I'm sending Kenzie up here with you,She'll watch you while I'm gone".Toni said putting on her black shirt that went over the 9m hanging out her pocket.Carol blew a kiss to Toni as she walked out the door and kenzie entered carrying a box of drinks and food."You girls behave, by the way lock that window and close it tightly. If you hear something both of you go together, I left two guns for you both and a little bit of ammo just in case.Rose and Kavina will be downstairs they're locking down everything and closing the garage door.Whatever you do don't go outside".Toni said sharply and ended her words with narrowing eyes.Toni shut the door and soon there was rumbling sound outside of a truck.They were Gone.

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