Chapter 5

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Kenzie sat in the chair right beside the window looking every five minutes to see if someone was there."Did you and Toni ever date?".Carol asked yawning and turning around towards kenzie as she pulled the comforter up to her neck."No....why do you ask?".Kenzie said placing her gun on the ground and rubbing her arms."Because everytime you see us together you get nervous and look away with a sad face".Carol responded sighing."Tell me please".She said more eager to know than before."Okay....Toni and I were always close even as kids we were close.Then her mom died and we just broke apart.She stopped coming to my house everyday and stayed home in her room for almost six years".Kenzie said softly looking down at her feet."I'm sorry...I'll probably never replace what you and Toni had".Carol said getting up and rubbing Kenzie's hand."Doesn't matter what happens I just want everyone to be ok and let this nightmare be over".Kenzie said almost about to tear up then reached to Carol for a hug."Same...Same".Carol whispered also about to shed tears.

"I've never really had sexual contact with another girl before...and the world's probably gonna why not do it now?".Rose smirked looking Kavina in the eyes and leaning in for a peck kiss.Kavina bit Rose's bottom lip slowly and gently pulling away."That was good oh my god!".Kavina said putting her hand on Rose's thigh.Rose pulled Kavina's leg quickly ripping off her pants."Diamond is sleep be quiet or she'll wake up".Kavina said undressing as she watched rose get undressed too.Rose pulled out a small purple vibrator she had found in a drawer she found in the room last night.She quickly shoved it up Kavina's vagina causing her to scream and moan while Kavina fingered Rose. They started going back and forth with the dildo till thru started fighting over it like savages. Diamond busted open the door yelling."I'M TRYING TO SLEEP IF YOU DON'T MIND!".She screamed breathing hard."I don't care".Kavina said flipping hair. I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO CARE! SHUT THE FUCK UP SO I CAN SLEEP".Diamond yelled throwing a shoe at kavina.A loud crash could be hears downstairs.All of a sudden everything was silent.Kenzie slowly opened the door with Carol behind her.They were both holding guns but tightened they're grip when they heard another crash.There was a slow groan that started to get louder and louder.And a thump that got closer and closer.Kavina and Rose had ran into the room with kenzie and carol, diamond following them.Carol had handed them each a gun.A few zombies started to rush up the stairs.Kenzie and Carol started shooting them as blood splattered everywhere.Kavina and Rose were already putting they're clothes back on while silently whimpering out of fear."Where's ate those guys we need them".Carols said starting to cry on Kenzie's shoulder."I don't know..But I hope they come quick".Diamond said putting her hand on Carol's shoulder.

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