Part 5 : records

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              If someone you love isn't with you , will you still find him/her? Will you do anything just to find him/her? ... If you truly love that person , you would do any - possible to the impossible - thing  Cause no love is better if you fight for it

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I closed the front door of the house and followed the directions that my dad told me before I left . I adjust my shoulder bag as I walk pass by a few houses . Within 15 minutes , I saw the hospital and I quickened my pace . I entered and went ahead to the information counter

"Good morning , I just want know if you guys have any records of my mom " she smiled and asked me if I have any identification paper of my mom . I handed her my mom's birth certificate and waited for the woman's response.

"When did she get admitted ?" She looked at me and I responded ,
"Actually 4 years ago " she looked at me

"I'm sorry dear , I can't do that for you but you can go to room 809 and ask the lady inside . I'll just give her a call , what's your name? " she smiled at me and handed me back the certificate .
"Lauren " i said and thanked her before making my way to the room

I politely knock on the door and slowly opened it . "Yes?" A lady in a blue dress said . "The lady in the information counter told me to come here " I said

"Ahh you must be Lauren? " I nod
"What brings you here ?" She said as she grab a chair for me to sit

"I just wanted to know if you have any record of my mom in this hospital "
" when was she admitted ?"

"4 years ago ?" I worriedly smiled - hoping they would have a piece of information
"Well that's gonna take a few minutes but I can try and find it for you " I thank her .

Few minutes has passed and the lady asked a few questions here then , mostly about my mom and why I decided to do this now and not before .

"Unfortunately dear ... I don't see your mom's name in the system but I can help you ask the other hospitals around in New York if they have any record . Is there a way for me to inform you ?" The lady smiled .
"Ah- yes I can leave you my number " she handed me a piece of paper and a pen .

I thank the woman and made my way out of the hospital . I put my mom's birth certificate in my bag and headed home . As I look down and watch my feet move , right left right left right left

~~ skipping  to decoration & furniture  shopping~~

"Go find anything you will like around the store  " dad said . I smiled and walked around the store . The store was enormous - I could be lost in a matter of seconds . I was in the decoration section of the store and It had 2 levels filled with decorations - Christmas , Fourth of July , new year and more .

My phone vibrated all of a sudden and I check it to see an unknown number calling me . "Hello?" I said

"Hey , is this Lauren?" A woman said
"Yeah?" I gave the confusing look tho she can't see it

"Well it's the lady whom you talked to in the hospital"
"Ah yes " I stroll around the store

"I've called all hospitals and it seems like they don't have any records of your mom   " I sighed
"Oh- is that so?"

"Yup . You sure she died in New York darling? "
"I'm sure , thanks anyway for your help" i said

"Your welcome dear , good bye "
"Bye "

If mom didn't have any records in the hospital .. Did she just die like that? .

I sighed and walked around the shop .I ended up getting myself some decorations for my room and I decided to head back to where my father was . Then We headed back home and I went straight to my room . As i was about to lie down in bed , there was a knock on my door .

"Hey" my sister said as she lean against the door . "Hey" I responded

"What happened? "
"What do you mean?" I gave her the confusing look

"You would normally hug dad goodnight " she crossed her arms
"Oh" I look down

"What happen in the hospital?" I sighed and replied her , "all the hospitals didn't have any record of her .. Not even a single "

There was a minute or two of silence .
Until my sister spoke

"Don't tell me she just died without getting admitted to the that possible?"
"You know Mom"

"Ugh" she scratch her head in annoyance
"Well u should go to sleep , good night" she said

"Night " I sighed .

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