Chapter 2

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Halloween P.O.V.
"SK I'm home!" I screamed up the stairs. Three years ago our parents were murdered.


"Now you two behave okay. We'll be back soon." Our farther said, "Thanks again Mrs Oh"

"Love you girls and behave please" Our mom said kissing our forehead before walking to the car. My dad gave us a hug and followed.

*time skip*

It was raining outside. There was a knock on the door. After a while Hyun-chan's mom came in the room, "Listen girls, your mommy and daddy won't be back tonight and they requested I take you home and stay with you for the night. Hyun's dad will look after him."

She handed us our rain jackets.

When we arrived at home, "What's wrong?" SK asked, "Girls please sit down." She said patting the couch, "You've inherited the house and everything that belongs to your parents."

"That's great, isn't it SK?!" My eyes lit up. My sister's became darker than usual, "You will never not be oblivious huh?" Her words were colder than ice. It made the room cold, "My dear, your parents... were murdered" What? No!

*end of flashback*

Our mother and farther were rich so yeah. SK and I have it good. With the help of Hyun-chan's mom and dad. I have social anxiety unlike SK. I'm not as close to Hyun-kun like Sk is. He also hates the fact I call him Hyun-kun because he's not Japanese. He's Korean. SK is the older twin.

"Lolo, I think Song's coming over later" She said she I walked into her room, "I'll make something to eat for the three of us. What do you want?"

"Order pizza."

"I'll order a pizza for you but I want fish"

Hyunsong P.O.V
I forgot I need to tell SK I won't be able to make it for today.

SK I won't be able to make it today. Sorry, maybe tomorrow.

2 minutes after I sent the text

Sure, not a problem.

Now that that's clear I need to go pick up my cousin and his friend.

*time skip*

"It's a pleasure to meet you I'm Kim Jongin"

"The pleasures all mine. I'm Oh Hyunsong"

"Now let's get headed to our little luxury resort" D.O. stuck out his tongue, "Just because I live in a good house and I'm not a commoner doesn't mean it's a luxury resort" I returned the favor.

By the time we arrived home Halloween was outside watering the garden. Now is my time to get her back, "LOLO" I yelled while waving at her. I know it's mean but she hates new people and thus it is the perfect revenge. She looked up noticing the boys, she ran inside with the watering can.

"Who's that?" D.O. asked, "That's Halloween Kennedy. My friend. Well more of acquaintance. Her twin sister is my friend." Jongin couldn't stop staring at the house, "What's her problem? Why did she run inside?" Jongin asked, "Oh she has social anxiety and this was kind of revenge" He looked at me and grabbed my arm, "you are going to go apologize to her right now"

D.O. knocked on the door.

Halloween P.O.V.
"I'll get it" I tell as I made my way to the door. I slowly open it, "Hello... Hyun-chan." I say softly while looking down the whole time, "Is SK home?" He asked. One of the boys he was with looked confused. The other face palms, "Just a minute... SK it's for you!" I yell up the stairs, "Coming" she replies.

"This is D.O., my cousin. He can speak English and that is Jongin. He is D.O.'s friend, he can't speak English" Hyun-kun introduced, "I'm Halloween" I say politely, "I'm SK"

"I'm... going to my room now. It was a pleasure to meet you" I bowed and left as fast as I could.

As soon as my door closed I played some music from the tv

"Excuse her. She's not being rude" We begun to speak in Korean so Jongin could understand, "It's okay and also we need to go but I trust we'll be seeing each other again... very soon." D.O. says to me, "Oh trust me you don't know it" Song sarcastically sighs, "With you two I'm sure I'll be dragged here more than the usual -_-" " Song added.

"Yeah yeah" Jongin chuckles, "Anyway it was nice meeting you and your sister. Good bye" D.O. and Jongin said in unison, "You too" I reply, "Bye SK" "Bye Song"

Hyunsong P.O.V.
"Mommy we're home!" I shout as I close the door. Dad was working today, "KYUNGSOO!" My mom squealed and hugged him, "wow you've grown so much" She looked over to Jongin, "JONGIN! I haven't seen you in forever! You look so handsome" He chuckled and so did D.O.

She knows Jongin?

Apparently before my parents moved here, D.O. and Jongin were childhood friends. They never used to do things without each other. That explains everything.

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