Chapter 5

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'Wow today was hard' I thought as I opened the door to the house. A very pale D.O. and Jongin came into the room, "Are you guys okay?" I asked, "Peachy, Why?" Jongin replied, "You look... pale"

"Scary song" D.O. muttered, "I asked you to play that song *looks at watch* 4 hours ago!"

"She was listening to other quite scary songs afterwards. Then she made us watch anime with her and I was a few times asked by yours truly *gestures to Jongin who has a grin plastered in his face while waving* what was being said. Then he tried to make her food while I got her medication. In that process we need to buy you a new pan and stove. Also Jongin and her played a few games while I tried to open her bathroom door which was stuck. You need a new door handle too. After all of that-"

"You came in" Jongin finished off his explanation of experiences in one day. I was blue in the face, "So basically... what you're saying... is that... you almost broke down our house?" They nodded slowly. I shook my head, "SK!!!" Song came rushing towards me, "Can I help you?"

"Yes indeed you can. My mom and dad wanna take all of us out for lunch but with our precious Lolo staying in bed they had something she loves ordered for her. You need to come fetch it." Jongin's face was closer to Song's than mine, "What is her favorite food?" He questioned. The way he said it sounded almost as scary as death.

Everyone in the room except Jongin turned pale, "...It's... pizza" He had the most evil smirk plastered on his face, "What kind?" He spoke in a low, very low voice, "Hawaiian" He took the box and walked to the staircase, "Now will be the perfect time to test my English" His smile was almost as sinister as his words. Could he be more scary?

Kai P.O.V.
I gently knocked on the door. A faint ''enter'' could be heard. I slowly opened the door, "Hyunsong family got you food." I say as I placed the box on the little table next to her bed, "T-T-Thank you. Uh J-Jong-Jongin... could you please call SK?" I nodded and left. What the flip did she say? I'll just ask SK to go there.

"I think your sister wants you." I told SK. When she got upstairs snickering and faint giggling came from behind me, "Care to share the joke?" I say making D.O. and Hyunsong turn blue in the face, "I hope D.O. isn't telling you how perfect my English is?" D.O. and Hyunsong looked as if they were holding there breath.

I sighed, "Just laugh" I faced palm, "Your English... is perfect? Perfectly deadly" D.O. said while he and Hyunsong were rolling on the floor with laughter.

After the laughing session, "You guys can leave now, I'm sure Song's parents are curious as to why you're here so late" SK said calmly. It was 10:57 pm .Hyunsong just smiled and got up, "Thank you SK. Come on let's go."

"Bye SK." D.O. and I said in unison, "Don't you wanna say bye to Lolo?" She asked. Instantly, I grabbed D.O. and Hyunsong's arms and raced upstairs towards her room.

D.O. opened the door, "Good morning" I was the last to greet. She started to giggle. It was such an innocent giggle. Her hand covered her mouth as she laughed. Now that i think about it, why is she laughing?

"You said the wrong greeting. You meant to say goodnight not good morning" D.O. whispered to me as if he had read my mind, "I mean goodnight. Sorry" Gosh, that was embarrassing, "It's okay"

She had the brightest smile on her face. The moonlight shone in her through her bedroom window. This had made her smile much brighter. Happier, "Have a good night further boys" She said just before we left.

When we got home, "I've never seen her smile so bright. And never have I heard her talk as louder than a whisper. Jongin what did you do to our Halloween?" Hyunsong sat with crossed legs on the couch. He was thinking hard. D.O. was in the shower.

"I just gave her food to her and left. Nothing more, nothing less" I looked to the ceiling. My back against the cold wall, "Well we'll see how it goes tomorrow. I'm not going to school I'm spending the day at home."

"Why?" I asked, "Oh no reason" he grinned.

Hyunsong P.O.V.
D.O. ,SK and I had a plan. We had created a group chat excluding Jongin and Halloween. D.O. had come up with this while Jongin went to give Lolo the pizza.

D.O. had realized that when they first arrived he wouldn't stop looking at her. Another weird thing is that he even asked D.O. to teach him English. His pathetic excuse was that he was gonna be in the country so he wanted to learn the language. Poor boy doesn't realize we're not so stupid. We know what he's up to.

This is why, tomorrow SK, D.O. and I are going to the mall because SK needed to buy some things and basically we just want to see what's gonna happen.

*next day*

Kai P.O.V.
"Dear Kai, Hyunsong and I are going to accompany SK to the mall and you have to stay by Halloween until we get back. Last night I took the liberty of downloading a translator app onto your phone. USE IT IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. Your friends D.O. and Hyunsong. P.S. have fun" I read the letter that was on the fridge.

I just got up and I was already given orders. I'd better go over there and make sure she's alright. Those idiots had to leave early. What exactly are they up to?

I knocked softly on Lolo's bedroom door. Quickly glancing at the screenshots of basic English conversation. I opened the door to see her sleeping peacefully. I quietly and quickly stepped inside gently closing the door behind me.

I sat in the chair SK had placed at the foot of her bed. She looked so peaceful when she slept. I felt a vibration in my pocket."Good thing I put it on vibrate" I thought. I answered the phone...

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