Dean Imagine

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For @fivesecondsoflukebrooks

Dean's POV

"Its a vamp i'm tellin' ya. You're just too stupid to realize it." Deane says and Sammy snorts, trying to hide his laughter.

"Shut up Sam. Whatever, lets just get on the road, if we leave soon we'll be there about five." I say glaring at Deane, packing the rest of my clothes into my duffel and tucking my gun in the back of my pants.

We got on the road quickly, because the drive to Ohio was pretty long. Every once in a while i steal glances front the back view mirror of Deane. Her short blonde hair falls just before her shoulders and frames her face. Behind her closed eyelids are the most bluest eyes I've ever seen, as if they were an ocean. She looks so peaceful when sleeping, all the terror she's expirienced just melts away.

To tell you the truth, under all the fun and games, well, hate, i love Deane. Her beauty compells me, and her personality could melt me anytime i talk to her, and her smile brightens my day. But i could never tell her that, I build a wall that can't be broken, because i know Deane doesn't love me the way i love her.

We get to the hotel and by that time our stomachs are all growling, our last pit stop was six hours ago.

"I'm going to the bar across the street." I say putting on my jacket.

"Ooo! I'm coming with." Deane chimed in springing up.

"Do you have to come?" I sigh nervously, knowing if she comes i would have to restrain myself more.

"Shut it." Deane glared and walked out. Sam and i followed her and we entered the bar. We got a table and i ordered a couple shots of whiskey and a beer, trying to calm my stressing nerves.

After a few more beers Deane started to dance around the live band and i stopped dead in my tracks.

The way she swayed, twirled, the way her eyes sparkle from the lighting. It was freaking hot-

Nope I'm done.

I tell Sam I'm not feeling to well and head for the door, i look back once more to see Deane almost looking disappointed.

Eh, she's probably drunk.

I get to the motel and take a shower, then plop down on the bed, only to fall asleep and have dreams about Deane.

I jerk awake and grumble, looking at the clock that says; 5:43. I knew i wasn't going to get more sleep so i got up and made sure not to wake Sammy in the other bed.

I frown not seeing Deane anywhere in the motel room, 'she must've gone to get breakfast.' I thought.

After two more hours Sam was up and worrying with me.

"I swear i thought she went with you!" He surrendered at my angry figure.

"Why didn't ya watch her closer?!" I say back, and call her cellphone for the hundredth time.


"Hello?" A high pitched voice picks it up, almost snarkily.

"Who the hell are you?" I snarled into the phone, knowing this wasn't Deane.

The bitch on the other line chuckled and said; "Dean Winchester? No wonder she was denying she came with anyone. She's trying to protect you. Ha ha ha! Thats so funny."

A small scream was heard from the other line, and whimpering followed.

"Deane?!" I screamed into the phone.

"Its so hard not to suck that bitch right up, but boss said to wait..." The girl on the end of the line grumbled and hung up.

"Son of a bitch!" I yell, punching air.

Sam and I track the phone and end up at an abandoned warehouse. Definite vamp territory.

We enter with machetes and three vamps immediately jump us. I quickly slice ones head off, then shove the other into the wall and behead it while Sammy get the last.

We continue on doing the same process until we get to one final room. On my count we slam the doors and start fighting some of the vamps. I get thrown to the ground and the bastards show their fangs, about to take a chunk outta me, but thankfully Sam chopped off its head at the right timing. I nod, thanking him, then see the tied up figure, almost completely covered in blood and dirt.

I run to Deane and begin un-tying her. Her head lolls sideways and her normally sparkling blue eyes are dull.

"Deane I'm right here. Come on, stay awake for me."

"D-dean..." She mumbles weakly.

I catch her in my arms and set her down, quickly grabbing my handkerchief from my pocket and ripping it into strips, tying them in several spots to stop some bleeding.

"Come on Deane stay with me."

"I- i..." Deane whispered, her eyes slowly drifting closed.

"Deane! Please, I can't loose you, I- I love you." I finally admitted, my eyes watering, watching her pale more.

I slowly lean down and kiss her somewhat bloody lips, not caring. Deane kissed back feverishly and smiled against my lips. I smiled as well, knowing she would be fine.

"I'm not going anywhere...ya butthead." She joked and laughed weakly, closing her eyes again. I lift her up bridal style and take her to the impala.

"To Infinity," Deane said looking into my eyes.

"And beyond." I finished the sentence that would be forever on her wrists.

Hope you enjoyed, i didn't know where to put the tattoo part so i just put it at the end :P

Ughhhh highschool is so ugh.


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