Winchesters Imagine

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Imagine being the Winchester's sister and someone from school follows you home and tries to break into your apartment

For @HannahStuhlreyer

Your POV:

"Yeah Dean I get it blah blah blah son of a bitch, whatever. I gotta go, byeeee!" I cut off Deans lecture of how to fight in case a stranger was to approach me because there was some stupid creep stalking girls and hung up. I already know that crap...we'll sort of.

I run into school and quickly get to my locker. I grab my binders and throw my bag into it, then slam it shut and run to my first period.

-time skip-

At lunch i sat down in the cafeteria and started to eat my lunch when i saw some guy walking around the school. He was oldish, and didn't look like a of the teacher.

He turned around and made eye contact with me. I couldn't describe his look, it was mean, creepy, maybe even sinister. It made me shiver, my back feeling bund and prickly, and have that feeling where your stomach drops.

I got up and went straight to the principles office. I gave a full description and an announcement was made regarding him and safety.

The lunch bell rang and by then i was in my class. I couldn't shake that violated feeling off, for the rest of the period and the next i was left uncomfortably numb.

-time skip-

"Come on, come on, come on." I beg, hearing my brothers voice mail once again. I called Sam and Dean's cell over five times and left voicemail on them too. After seeing that guy i don't want to walk home alone, but it looks like I'll have to.

I start by walking fast, but gradually slowed. Every once and a while I looked back to see if anyone was following me. I heard footsteps a far way back, so i turned my head and stealthy caught a glimse of someone. I turn my head farther back and see its the guy that i saw before. He turns down an alley quickly and by that point I'm running.

I pull out my phone and dial Sam's number as fast as I could.

"Sam! Sam please get to the apartment ASAP! I think there's some guy following me and I'm really scared! Just please answer!" I say in-between breathes for the voicemail.

I shove my phone back in my pocket and keep running until i see the building. When i get to the building i walk through the sliding doors and fish into my bag for my id card the manager gave me. I scan it and walk through the second set of doors, then to the elevators.

I get impatient when the elevator doesn't come. It finally 'ding's and opens. I press the 7 floor button and see that my hand is shaking slightly.

'Its ok Y\N you're safe now.' I think and take a deep breath. Just as the doors are sliding closed they stop, as a foot if jabbed in-between them. They slide fully open again and my stomach drops and i feel like collapsing.

The man i saw before entered the elevator and waited quietly until the doors slid closed.

I could feel the sweat start to develop on my forehead, and its like my stomach wanted to jump out of my body. My knees started to shake and everything got weak, because i am vulnerable...i was still learning combat but i wasn't quite ready yet.

Fear kept me in place, it wouldn't let me move, speak or barely breathe. The doors sealed closed and off we went. I avoided eye contact and shuffled slowly closer to the doors. Even if i was to press the help button who or where would they know where i am?

I heard a familiar 'click clack', that wasn't at all good in my situation. A cocking of a gun. Hand gun to be exact.

"You know what this is?" His chilling voice rang out making me flinch, and every step he took towards me made me coware into the corner.

My heart is beating in my ears so fast that i feel like I could have a heart attack any moment. The eerie silent accept for the click every once and a while that would echo made this trip feel like my death wish.

"Its a loaded gun. I'm sure you don't want one of these bullets in you, so why don't we act nice and walk to your apartment like a good girl." He snarled waving the gun in my face.

I nodded fast and walked slowly out of the elevator when the doors rolled open.

Every step was agonizing, knowing I was letting this pedo or whatever the hell he was into my apartment. I couldn't stop myself from silently crying, letting tears of fear roll down my cheeks and down my neck.

My hands were shaking so violently that the man snatched the keys from my hands and unlocked the door himself, then shoved me in and slammed and locked the door behind him.

"Please sir. Please let me-" i tried, but he waved the gun at me again and gestured for me to go to the other room.

Then and there i started to mentally pray, i prayed to god, i prayed to Castiel, i even prayed to Gabriel, even though i knew he wouldn't come.

"Alright missy. Time to have some fun. Strip." He chuckled maniacally and smiled so creepily that I could never unsee that.

"Please-" i whimpered, sobbing softly.

"STRIP!" He yelled. I whimpered again and caught grasp of the hem of my shirt, then slowly lifted over my head and let it drop to the floor. I already felt violated from the start, but this was un believable. The way his eyes flickered up and down made me cry even more. I couldn't even thing about what would happen next.

Just as i was unbuttoning my jeans the door flew open, crashing again the wall. There, the two people i loved the most stood with their signature white handled pistol and a taser.

Before the creep could register, Sam fired the taser gun and he was shocked into unconsciousness.

I fell to my knees and cried into my hands, ashamed, scared, i really didn't know how to feel right now. I just cried and cried.

"Y\N! Y\N! Are you ok? Come here." Sam said gesturing for a hug. I flew into my big brothers arms and cried the hardest i ever had in my life. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered sweet nothings to me to try to calm me down.

Dean came and wrapped his coat around me. The smell of cologne, musk, and whiskey immediately made me calmer but i couldn't stop softly sobbing, not wanting to leave my brothers arms.

"Hey kiddo. How are you doing?" Dean smiled softly, and I latched onto him and cried into his chest as he gently rubbed my back.

"I was so afraid Dean...I was afraid that you and Sam wouldn't come for me." I managed.

"Well we're here now sis. We'll always be, don't you forget that."

There in my brothers embrace I took a deep breath and slowly fell asleep to sirens in the background.

I hope you enjoyed, I really don't think that this one was very good so sorry.


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