Chuck Imagine

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Requested by -Request @GillianDemofonte and
@Punnyqueensams since I spliced your ideas together

Chuck and the reader have been together for a few years and he confesses that he's god

Chuck nervously walked along the side walk with his girlfriend, wiping his clammy palms on his skinny jeans. His girlfriend Y/N was currently chatting to him about her bitchy co-worker who just couldn't shut their trap but he wasn't really listening, he was too busy thinking about what was to come, he knew the darkness was coming, it could be any day, month, even second now.

He had been thinking for a long time, deciding whether or not to tell Y/N what he really had been all along: God. This would most definitely come to shock for her, I mean; some don't believe, some do, what would Y/N think though?

"Chuck?" Y/N's voice snapped him out of his deep thought, he looked over to her, a lopsided smile on his lips. "Yeah?" He responded, much like a squeak.

"Whatcha thinking about? You look like you're constipated..." Y/N chuckled slightly as they approached the small park that was their destination.

"Nothing, it's alright." Chuck shook his head and brushed off Y/N's question. She frowned but nodded then looked around in the park, seemingly no one there though it was quite popular. They walked together for another minute, before on a nice patch of grass Chuck stopped and slung the backpack on his shoulders down to the ground and took out a blanket they had packed, unfolding it and setting it down. "There we are m'lady." Chuck smiled and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Y/N smiled and rolled her eyes, sitting down and opening the cooler that chuck had also been carrying.

"So you want the ham sandwich or the PB and J?" Y/N asked digging out the sandwiches and passing one to him, in which chuck thanked her but failed to bring the sandwich up and bite into it.

"Um-I want to tell you something..." chuck swallowed nervously, his eyes flicking to Y/N then back to his sandwich. "It might come as a shock."

"Yeah...okay...." She furrowed her brow wondering why Chuck was acting so strange. She had taken a big bite of her sandwich before he started talking so she quickly tried to chew and swallow.

"Okay here goes...I'm god." Chuck said quickly, wincing slightly waiting for Y/N's reaction. She stopped for a minute before slapping a hand over her mouth and bursting into laughter, making sure no food fell from her mouth. It was a minute or two before she came close to calming down.

"Good one Chuck! G-God?! And i'm J.K. Rowling!!" Y/N burst into a fit of laughter again, chuck couldn't help but smile uncomfortably at her joke. She slowly but surely calmed again, wiping her eyes as a few more giggles escaped her lips.

"It's not a joke-I-I'm telling you the truth." Chuck frowned. Y/N looked at him again with a doubtful look. No one could be God, God is God to some people, God is fabricated to others.

"Come on Chuck the joke is old now. Y/N rolled her eyes. "Eat your sandwich-"

She didn't get to finish her sentence, her eyes widened and mouth faltered as she was now suddenly in an unknown location. Her surroundings were a bar type atmosphere, there was a bar counter and a small stage where small time musicians would sing to the drunken patrons and think they actually enjoyed the music. But instead of that shenanigan going on the bar was deserted and in perfect condition, like it had never been used. Y/N sat in a dark leather booth with an oak table separating her and chuck. Chuck looked vividly guilty. She slowly started to shake her head in disbelief.



Chuck sighed and traced small circles with his fingers on the oak table. Y/N craved to see more, she wanted to see what he could really do, she didn't want to believe it but somehow she did. She knew chuck wouldn't lie to her, that this wasn't some warped prank.

"You're not even you are you?" Y/N managed to get out, her voice borderline shaky.

"Y/N, why would you say that?" He frowned as his eyes drooped with sorrow. He could of course read her mind but he chose not to for her privacy.

"You-nothing affects you. You're God! I found you as a lonely drunk that couldn't find a will to live even-a-and that was all some joke right?! Some lure for me?" Y/N rose her voice slightly but cooled to a simmer, she just had so much going on in her head that she couldn't help it.

"No-no well yes..." chuck but his lip and shrunk in his seat. "I chose to live like keep cover but when I met you it's like I couldn't stop! I had to keep you with me."

"So-so what you used some type of God magic to make me stay?"

"No! I made a relationship with you Y/N! Everything was real, we are real! I didn't change anything!"

Y/N went silent, she couldn't find anything to say.

"We've been together for three years baby. I chose to tell you this because I wanted to be straight with you- I couldn't hide it forever." Chuck sighed silently with a heave of a breath.

"You created everything. I can't believe it..." Y/N's voice was barely above a whisper. "You're like...the most amazing being ever!" She said now sliding into shock.

"No...don't say that...I've seen time freeze and creations burn, I've lost everything and rebuilt it, I've taken lives of ones who didn't deserve them to be taken." Chuck shook his head and  looked in his lap.

"But you're the most amazing being to me." Y/N said softly and placed her hand over Chucks, her warmness infecting him. He looked up to her and smiled softly knowing that even if he was god, even if he had the power to destroy the Universe, warp her mind, even if he took trillions of lives, he was still loved and will never not be.

Omg guys, school. It's the worst thing. I hate it and I hate homework. Thank you for being so patient and staying tuned everyone! I hope you enjoyed XX.


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