Eric Cartman x reader

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Hey guys! So this is my 2nd oneshot with Cartman x reader! I hope you enjoy it my fellow Cartman lovers!

I walked through the Colorado snow to make my way to the bus stop. Kenny, Stan and Kyle were already there but Eric wasn't. "Hey y/n" Kyle, Stan, and Kenny say in unison. "Hey guys where's fatass?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me. "Oh probably late again" Kyle says rolling his eyes. "Yeah.." I trail off. It was silence until the bus came, the bus driver opened the door and let us walk in. I walked over to my locker, my locker buddy is Eric. I let a sigh escape my lips as I started to daze off somewhere hoping Eric would come out of no where.

The warning bell rang signaling that everyone would be tardy to their first class. I grabbed the books I needed and headed to my 1st period class. I took my seat, which Kyle is in back of me, Stan is on one side of me and Eric is on the other side. Mrs. Garrison was going over something; no one really listened. The class was then interrupted. Then here comes Mr. Fatass walking through the doors. His brown hair was messy and falling out of his hat. He took a seat next to me. A wave of relief washed over me. Cartman walked over to where I was sitting and gave me a small smile. I smiled back at him and looked back at Mrs. Garrison.

It was finally lunch as everyone walked out of the class going to their lockers. I walked over by Cartman but he didn't say anything. Ok.. I think to myself. I just shrugged it off and continued to my locker. It was a pretty quiet lunch, but consider the fact that Eric was super quiet. He's usually all loud and such but not now. It's just super weird, but he's been giving me the bad side. I looked over at Kenny who was sitting there, he looked at me and I just got up and left. I couldn't take it anymore; wondering why Eric isn't talking to me, why he's so quiet. I walked through the abandoned hallways every once in a while finding a kid by their lockers. I made my way to my locker hoping that know what was there. Great, I say to myself no sight of anyone. I layed my back against the locker staring outside through the double doors. I just stood there not aware of anything/anybody. My knees just gave in and I sunk to the ground. I felt my (e/c) eyes well up with tears. My mind raced about all the thoughts that me and Eric had before. The truth is I love him. I told Kyle, Stan, and Kenny about it and they just laughed about it.

≈≈≈≈ Flash back ≈≈≈
Me, Kenny, Stan, and Kyle were all at Stan's house just hanging out. "Guys I gotta tell you something, I trust you all but please it's very secretive" I speak with no emotion at all; just a straight face. "Yeah sure go ahead y/n" they all say in unison. "Ok I like Cartman" I say trying to say it fast enough so that they don't hear me. "What!" Kyle says shocked, "you like fatass" he adds hiding his smirk behind his hands. "Holy shit" Stan says turning his head towards Kenny. "Hahahahhaha" Kenny screams, laughing hard enough that his guts might come out of his own mouth. "I knew I couldn't trust you asshats" I mumble under my breath.

≈≈≈ Flash back over ≈≈≈
I continued to stare out of the doors and I just broke. Tears were straight down coming down my face as the memories kept making their way into my head. "Y/n?" Someone called out. I lift my head up, my red face looking directly at them. "K-kyle?" I stutter throughout my words. "I noticed you left" he says placing a seat next to me. "Yeah" I mumble, putting my head into my knees. "Y/n its about Cartman" Kyle says his eyes looking directly in to my (e/c) eyes. Before I could speak, I see someone behind him. "Kahl move" I hear the one voice that always says his name like that. Kyle got up and nodded towards Eric. "Cartman" I whisper trying to keep myself from crying again. Eric gives a glance at me and sits down to where Kyle was. "Sorry" I hear him mumble. "What" I say, this time looking directly towards him. "I'm sorry for ignoring you" Cartman says, moving closer to you. I knew that he was moving closer towards me, I didn't move, flinch, nothing.. I enjoyed it. "Can I say something?" I ask, his face turning from sorrow to scared. "Y-yeah" he says, glupping in air. "I like; no love you Cartman and me saying this is probably gonna ruin everything" I say putting my head down. "No I love you too, I mean that's why I've been ignoring you like this" he says making eye contact with me. "I was scared that I would do something and that you'd never forgive me" he adds, still looking into my eyes. "I could never be mad at you, king" I say sarcastically making Cartman crack a small smile. "Hey this is a good moment" he says. "Yeah.." I trail off. "What?" He asks, once again worry in his eyes. "It's just.. Won't people make fun of you" I say, getting up from my seat. "I don't care, that dirty jew could say all he wants" Cartman says, looking up at me. I nod his way and head towards the lunchroom since the bell was going to ring. I head towards the lunchroom, and getting ready to go to my last class.

Wait. How could Eric confess to me, but not say anything about it. I think to myself. The bell rang and everyone ran to their lockers shoving stuff in their backpacks. I slowly made my way to my locker, putting in my combination. I mean, I was disappointed and sad that Eric hadn't asked me anything or even said anything! My whole mind was turned around but the bell finally rang signaling that everyone might miss the bus. I opened my locker shoving things in my backpack along with me putting things back in there. I threw my (f/c) strap over my shoulder and made my way outside. "Y/n, wait!" I hear my name being called behind me. I turn my head to the back to see Cartman running towards me. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. "Please just hear me out" He says grabbing my wrist and spinning me around to face him. "What?" I ask, annoyed at him. "Come over my to my place" He says his grip still on me. "Fine, but the boys are gonna be there, right?" I say turning my head away from him. "Yeah" He says letting go of me. "Good" I mumble to myself and walking next to him, going to the Cartman house.


We finally made it to his house. The door opened and the guys were already there, thank god. I place myself next to Kenny. "Hey guys" I say waving towards them. "Hey, y/n!" They say in unison, waving back at me. "Yeah so what are we gonna do here?" I ask looking at Kyle. "Oh, I don't really k-" He gets cut off my Eric walking in saying something. "Kahl, Stan, Kinnie leave" He says gesturing towards the door. "Okay" They all say, looking at me with Kyle mouthing a 'sorry'. "Yeah, Eric what am I doing here?" I ask hopping off the couch. "Please come upstairs with me" He says. Ok, Eric never ever says please. I nod; i'm not so sure why, but I follow Cartman to his bedroom. "Ok, Eric, why am I here?" I ask but then get smashed up against the wall. "Y/n, I really like you- no love you and it hurts me to see that you're mad at me" He says, pinning both of my arms in the wall. "Y-yeah, I um do too" I say, looking into his brown eyes. I see him smile at me and lean in. He plants his lips onto mine, it was full of passion and love. He started to get hansy, which I don't mind but he started to pull down my leggings which I grabbed his hands away from me. "Eric-" I get cut off. "No, call me babe, baby, and I'll call you wherever I like" He says a smirk growing onto his face. I nod. "Babe, I don't wanna rush" I say, turning my head towards his bed. "Ok baby, that's ok but I love you" He says kissing me hard on the lips. "I love you too" I say kissing him back. This is the story of our love...


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