Craig Tucker x depressed! reader

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Hey guys! I'm back with another one shot! Enjoy! And craig is too cute xx (don't judge ) also this does have self harm in it so if you're sensitive don't read :) okk enjoyy!
I ran out of the bathroom, my glasses slipping down my face. I ran to my locker, trying to rub away the tears that were threatening to come out. I quickly grabbed my books and ran towards my classroom. I was sprinting down the hallway until... Crash! My books flew everywhere. I look up and see someone wearing a blue hat, a blue jacket and black jeans. He flips me off and walks away. I quickly get up and grab my books running to class thinking about the kid that I ran into just now.

I sat at my seat, making it just before the late bell rang. My mind kept swarming with a bunch of questions about that blue hat kid. Who is he? Is he new? Did he move? What's his name?. "Ok you little shit heads, I'm going to put you in partners" Mr.Garrison said. He walked over to a board with our names on magnets. "Ok, Stan and Wendy" He says moving the magnets together. They move their seats by each other. "And..Kyle and Clyde" Mr.Garrison says. They move their seats. He kept going until it finally left me and this other kid. "Y/n and Craig" Mr.Garrison finally spoke. This 'Craig' kid, moved his desk by me. He had the same exact clothes as the kid that I ran into earlier. He flips me off. But then started talking to me..? "I'm Craig" He spoke to me, his monotonous voice ringing through out my ears. "I'm y/n" I replied back to him. "Cool name, ok so what do you want to do about the project?" He asks focusing on me. "Ay! Craig get some!" Cartman yells towards him. Craig turned his head back and lifted his middle finger; flipping him off. Ok, I like this kid. "Um.. I don't know" I whisper with my head down. "What was that?" He asks, a little bit of confusion in his face features. "Oh, uhh" I trail off. He then started to explain to me the project and his idea that he wanted, and occasionally flipping people off. I stared at the paper, memories started to flood my head.

= Flashback =
"Y/n, wake up sweetie" I hear my mother whisper to me shaking my shoulder. "W-what" I grumble, sitting up and rubbing my eyes from sleep. "Uncle U/N (uncles name) passed away. His body failed" My mother spoke, the tears were threating to spill out of her eyes. I could tell she didn't want them to pour out because she'd get me all crazy. "W-what" I managed to get out of my mouth. "Yeah.." She says getting up from the edge of my bed. "I'll leave you alone for a little bit" she then adds walking out of my bedroom, shutting the door behind her. 'This couldn't be' I think to myself. I then broke down. Tears streamed down my face, wanting to keep coming out but I didn't have anything to come out. 'I can't believe this' I say quietly getting up walking into the bathroom. I 'faked' a shower and grabbed my razor, cutting my legs and arms up.

= Flashback Over =
"Um.. I'll be r-right back; I'm going to g-go to the bathroom" I said to Craig. He nods in response. "Mr.Garrison can I use the b-bathroom p-please?" I ask, getting a nod in response. I walk out of the classroom, and going over to my locker. I reach into my backpack grabbing my.. Razor. Great memories we've had- I think to myself running into the girls bathroom. I once again had another memory. Tears started to pour out of my e/c eyes. I locked myself into the bathroom stall, pulled the razor up to my wrist, pressed it against my skin, and slid it back and forth. The sharp pain rung throughout my wrist.

I woke up in a bed I've never seen before. "She's awake!" A familiar voice shouted. "Finally!" Another one shouted. I lifted my head, only to be greeted by a sharp pain at the side of my head. "H-hello?" I question. The voices turn their body's my way and I saw their faces clearly this time. "S-stan, K-kyle, K-kenny?" I ask staring directly at them. "And C-cartman!?" I say, shocked that he'd be here. "Y/n! Thank god you're ok!" Stan says coming over towards me. I gave the room a short look around. Nothing looked familiar at ALL. "W-where are we?" I ask, getting handed a cup of water and some type of pill. "Is she up?" Another voice rang through the hallway, making its way into the room I was sitting in. "Yeah" Cartman says shoving some Cheesy Poofs into his mouth. "Oh, thank you Lord" This mysterious voice came into the room flipping everyone off. "Watch it!" Cartman shouts. "Craig, would you like some time alone?" Kyle asks, grabbing Stan and Cartman's hands pulling them away. He simply nods in response. It was Craig. "Hey, y/n. Um, well after you went to the bathroom.. You uh.. Never came back so we all checked and looked around for you, so then we found you passed out on the floor with blood around you.. So um yeah" Craig stutters with his words. "Oh.. Uh thanks" I say quietly, putting my head down. "So, I was wondering y/n that we get to know each other a little bit more?" He asks, hopeful filled his eyes. "Yeah, of course" I reply back to him. He walks around the bed taking a seat next to me. "So, is this your room?" I ask my eyes moving back and forth. "Yeah" he says, his eyes focused back on me. Soon after a few hours we got to know each other pretty well.

"Well, thanks Craig for helping me and the chat that we've had" I say, walking up to my doorstep. "Yea, it was great" He says, still looking at me. "Also.." He walks over to me and continues talking. "If you would like to go on a date with me Friday?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'd love to!" I say. He reaches over to hug me as I hug him back also. He starts to walk away from my house, but then he turns around and holds his middle finger into the air, seeing a small smirk.

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