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Paul stood in front of the classroom checking back and forth to make sure it was the right classroom. It was his 3rd period at a new school and the last two periods didn't go so well as to finding the room.

One last time, just for good measures, he made sure the number on the paper matched the one on the small metal piece at the top of the door. He nodded to himself, and went for it. He walked through the door to be greeted by a half full classroom and a tall man with high raised pants and a colorful tie. Paul slipped passed the teacher, he was to busy fixing his tie to notice, and found a desk in the back of the classroom.

Putting his backpack down he slumped in his chair and let out a loud sigh. A few eyes wondered to him and he slumped down lower. Paul hated attention it made him feel sick.

The bell eventually rang and Paul somehow managed to avoid doing something that would draw more attention to himself. He just sat still slumped in his desk picking at he nails. He sat up a bit straiter when the class start to fill up.

The teacher gave one last look around the class before shutting the door. "Okay class, please take out our your history books and turn to page seventy-two." Paul immediately went into panic mode throwing his old throwing his messenger bag open. He of course only had two books from his previous classes. He was freaking out. The thought of having to raise his hand to talk to the teacher and having all eyes on him terrified him.

He let out a huff and was just about to raise his hand when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He jumped in his chair letting out a small squeak (no one noticed, thank god). A small chuckle came from behind him. "I didn't mean to scare ye." Paul turned and was greeted with glowing brown eyes and a friendly smile. "The book is under the table." The brown eyed fellow chuckled. Paul slowly bent down and saw a grey textbook below his chair. He sighed in relief and picked up the book placing it on the table.

"Th-thank you." He managed to stutter out. "Ahh, don't mention it!" The boy said a little to loud for Pauls comfort (he thought it would draw attention to him) and he winced ducking his head looking around the room to make sure no one was looking at him. He sighed in relief.

"Im George by the way." Paul turned to the brown eyed fellow now known as George to him. He smiled. 'George. What a friendly name.' Paul thought. 'I could be friends with a George.'

A small smile spread cross Pauls lips. "I-Im Paul."

"Paul. Paul." George repeated with a serious face which then broke into a big toothy grin. "I like that name Paul."  Paul just replied with a shy smile. "Th-thanks."

The rest of the period went by with no more conversation between the two. Just a few stares from George which Paul could see through sideways glances. Paul just softly smiled at it.

"Alright class. The bell should be ringing soon. Place your books under your chair and ill see you tomorrow." Paul smiled and made sure the book was under his desk chair and stood up putting his bag across his small shoulder and torso. He began to walk down the chair isle to the door when he felt a hand grab his arm. He jumped and turned only to be greeted with the new friendly face which was George.

"Ello mate. Thought we could head to lunch together?" Paul thought about it for a second and then nodded and smiled at George. "On ward to the cafeteria we shall go then!" He shouted grabbing Pauls wrist and began to drag him with him to the cafeteria. Paul burst into a fit of giggles. By the time they got to the cafeteria Pauls stomach hurt from laughing so much at the way George had basically just ran over every person that didn't move(not to mention a few cuss words were thrown at George and Paul which only made him laugh harder).

George put his head against a cafeteria wall breathing hard. "Haven't move that quick in a while." He said patting his stomach. "But food is to precious to take your time on getting to." Paul giggled.

"To the lunch line?" He asked. Paul, looked at his bag. "I-um." George laughed. "You packed lunch?" Paul nodded. George pouted. "You can eat it, dont make me stand all alone." He laughed again. And Paul nodded. "Course not." And smiled. "Good." Said George and pulled Paul into the line with him. Paul just giggled.

He had just met George and was already more comfortable with him than some of his family members. Strange. He was just so outgoing. How could you not like George? Not mention, when Paul got attached, he go got attached and there was no leaving Paul then. (But he wasn't just there yet.)

The line went by pretty quickly and soon George had his tray. Paul and George walked around the cafeteria until they found an empty table. Paul smiled at the fact that only him and George would be there. He could get to know him.

Paul pulled his bag over his head and laid it on the table. He pulled out a black cloth bag with a butterfly button and opened it taking out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Quickly he placed the bag back in the bigger one and laid it on the floor. What would people say if they saw a boy with a sparkly butterfly buttoned bag.

He let out a sigh and began to pick at his crust. "Ye okay Paul?" He looked up and saw George with a worried expression on his face. He nodded quickly. "Okay." George paused for a second. "Y'sure?" Paul nodded again.

"Good. Don't want my new best friend upset." Paul smiled. "B-best friend?" He question and got a nod in response. "I-um I've never had a best friend." Shyly rubbing his arm scared of what George would think about someone that hasn't had a best friend. "Hmm...Well you do now."

After twenty more minutes of talking they decided to leave the crowded cafeteria and go to there next class.

They made there way to the hallway. Paul fumbled with the white button on his messenger bag trying to get it closed. "I cant get the-" Just as Paul was mumbling to himself he collided with someone.

He fell to the ground and let out a small shriek of pain. "O-ow." Paul whimpered out tears filling his eyes. He had landed on his pointer finger and was in a lot of pain.

"Fucking 'ell watch where your going!" He heard a low voice say. He looked up and saw the someone he must have collided with. A very handsome someone. "I-i-i d-didnt-" The two made eye contact and the someone's eyes softened a little. He let out a sigh. "Don't be. You know what its okay. Um. Just watch out next time." He nodded quickly. The someone quickly walked away from the hurting boy.

Paul tried to stand up and was soon assisted by George. "Are you okay Pauly!" Paul nodded holding his finger eyes still filled with tears.

"Did ye hurt your finger?" Paul nodded and George grabbed his hand and gave his finger a small kiss. Paul giggled through the few tears that fell. "Do you want me to fake ye to the nurse or do ye wanna go to class?" Paul shook his head. "Class please." George made sure one last time and they headed to class.

"George?" Paul asked. "Yes Pauly." "Who was that guy." George sighed.

"John. John Lennon."


Okay so, i haven't updated In forever ;-; i am so sorry. I promise updates will come very quickly. (this is only chapter one and there is lots in store *smirk*) So to clarify one thing:

Paul is very innocent in this story. He also has interest in some feminine things (which will start to take place). I dont feel im explaining very well...sorry.  btw paul is also like 5'7... Yes yes.



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