Chapter 1

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Little Marykathrine climbed into bed. "Goodnight mother. Goodnight father." Her parents both gave her a kiss and left the room as she laid her head down on the pillow. And I knew she wasnt going to bed, she never did. Marykathrine did the same thing every night, and I didn't think it was about to change now. I smiled to myself as I saw her climbing out of bed and walking towards the window. I close my eyes and got ready, her wishes were always very small. Little things like please help me find my teddy bear, or please help Mommy find her hairbrush. Never anything big. Which is why I always made sure to be the first star in the sky. Always first, little Estella. I thought quietly. I sat quietly waiting for her to Make-A-Wish, then I heard it. I had one wish that would change my life forever. "Starlight star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may I wish I might, have this wish, I wish to..." I took a deep breath. This is it! "I wish to make sure that whenever uncle C wishes for comes true." My eyes popped opened. What? And then I was soaring.

This is Marykathrine.

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