~He Did It~ (Cartters Part 1)

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"I dunno about this, Eric..."

"C'mon Butters, stop being such a pussy." Cartman whispered, his eyes shifting around the empty office.

"But my finger was in the picture. They're gonna trace it back to me!" The light blonde stared down at the photo of the two boys.

"It's not out fault that those two are gay as shit. They shouldn't have sex in public, anyways."

"It's a bad idea." The pale teen said to himself. He repeated it over and over in his mind as he laid the paper in the copy machine.

Before they knew it, there were about 80 copies. Cartman grinned and picked them up in a stack, grabbing a box of thumbtacks.

"This is gonna be awesome."


The next morning, there were photos hung up all over the school. In the halls, the lunchroom, the bathroom...you name it.

Craig Tucker was the first to notice. He opened his locker innocently, grabbing a few books before spotting the picture on his door.

"Wow, that's gay." He announced blandly, looking around before stuffing it into his back pocket.

The overweight male held in a giggle as he watched his friends storm towards him, anger glinting in their eyes.

"Cartman, what the hell is this?!" Kyle screamed, smacking the other teen with the paper.

"Dude, Wendy just broke up with me!" Stan glared at the brunette, arms crossed.

"You guys are in a relationship?" Cartman smiled sweetly, fluttering his small eyelashes. "That's so cute."

"Shut up." The Jewish boy blushed, rolling his emerald eyes before stomping back down the hall of laughter with his partner.

Butters ran up to his buddy. "We didn't get caught!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Principal Victoria walked up. "Eric Cartman, did you do this?"

"No, m'am." He pointed to the blonde. "He did it."

"Leopold?" She turned to Butters, glaring at him over the lenses of her glasses.

"N-No." The small boy said, nervously twiddling his thumbs.

"Both of you boys in my office, now."

A/N Sorry for stretching this out, but there will be a part 2. -Em :3

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