~He Did It~ (Cartters Part 2)

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"Eric, why'd you say I thought the whole thing up?" Butters asked, his face looking down upon the wooden desk.

"Don't complain. She gave us both the same punishment." The overweight teen looked around the almost-empty detention room.

"But I'll get grounded."

"Your parents still ground you?" Cartman grinned.

"Well, yeah." The blonde answered, twiddling his thumbs.

"They sound like assholes."

Butters' light blue eyes shifted back up. "T-They are."

Locked into a stare, the two males slowly leaned in, until they finally...

"GUYS!" A voice shouted from the doorway.

"Clyde, what are you doing?" The teacher at the front of the room watched the boy from his seat.

"STAN AND KYLE ARE GAY! WE DID IT! THE SHIP IS REAAAL!" The teen yelled, sprinting back into the hallway.

"Uh-" Butters started, cut off as Cartman kissed him. He didn't object, instead giving in as he pulled his friend closer. The brunette backed up, smiling.

"I've been wanting to do that since the day we met." He admitted.

"Me too." The small blonde sighed. "My parents don't want me to be gay."

"Fuck them." Cartman said, making out with his lover again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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