Chapter I - Music doesn't always solve everything

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Katherine was sitting in the attic, surrounded by dusty books and big boxes. She had been doing that for a few days: going through memories, reading her old poems and trying to remember who she wrote them about, what state of mind she was in when she wrote them. It was a rather time consuming activity and she could easily have done that all day hadn't she had anything else to do. But unfortunately (or, fortunately?) Katherine Cimorelli had always be one to interact with people, and her sociability was keeping her away from all those memories laying in boxes, which wasn't such a bad thing. When she heard the doorbell ring, she put the book she had picked up back where she found it and automatically wiped a non-existent tear away. Her eyes were wet but no tear was straming down her face, she had stopped in time.

While she was slowly walking her way down the stairs, she realised she hadn't talked to Lisa in a while and should definitely do that soon, so she made a mental note to herself and, just in case, decided to write it down. You never know, sometimes memory tricks you. She knew who was at the door and knew she could keep her waiting for a while and she wouldn't really mind. After all, she was not even really a friend, so she could wait outisde for five minutes. The doorbell rang again. Kath decided to leave her nostalgia to the side and hurried up a little. "I'm heeeeeeeere!" she screamed at the top of our lungs. And she opened the door to her neighbor, Sara.

"Oh hi Katherine, I thought you'd never open that door! Oh well, as you might see on my face I'm so exhausted, may I come in?" Sara seemed in a hurry. Well, as always.

"Yeah of course, may I offer you a drink? I'll bring you a slice of this pumpkin pie I made this morning, Skyler spent the whole breakfast complimenting me about it, I think it's worth a try."

"No thank you, I'm on a no carb diet, I was just stopping by to talk about this church thing we said we'd solve together but I don't really know, I think it's kind of an hopeless cause..."

"Sara, we've been rambling about that all week, the problem is our church is no longer attracting younger people, I don't really see what we can do about that, we're not exactly in a position to make anyone do anything, if they do not believe we can't make them see the truth unless they're willing to see it... But I was thinking maybe something would work, I'm not so sure our whole parish would approve though."

"Well, I'm all ears, you know, we could use some kind of a daring idea!"

"How about organising a concert and asking young bands in the area to participate? The entry would be free, all benefits would go to the church and if we organise the concert in, let's say, two months, we'll get the young people together every week to rehearse and it will create a bond between them. Probably a strong enough bond to show them they should involve themselves more in their church?"

"I don't really know, Katherine, this might be tough for you to understand but all young people don't think music will help them, but well, maybe we can give it a shot? I'll talk to the rest of the women at church and I'll kee you updated. I really have to go now, I have to take Julian to his pony lesson and Lena just came back from her violin class I need her to practice a little before doing her homework. It was nice seeing you Katherine. I'll tell you what Father laurent decides to do with your idea, but don't be too disappointed if he doesn't do anything, you know, music doesn't always solve everything."

Before Katherine had time to answer anything, Sara was gone, like the tornado she was, leaving the door wide open. Kath closed the door, the last sentence her neighbour said still going around in her head. "Music doesn't always solve everything." Oh she was well aware of that.

In her younger days, Katherine used to believe God and music would keep her on track. But then life happened. The band adventure came to an end. She married Skyler. She found out she was unable to have children no matter how hard she tried. She tried to still believe music would be the cure, but couldn't seem to find a way to make that happen. So she decided to only trust God. With years, her and her sisters drift apart, and everyone in the family had their lives now. Katherine had decided to stay here, in Malibu, in this place she loved and where all of her friends were. But friends, too, got a wonderful life, with amazing kids, and no matter how loving Katherine was, no matter how hard she tried, her heart broke a little more everytime she saw those happy parents with their happy family, something she would never get the change to have. Luckily, she had Skyler. He had been there forever. He had been there through everything, and he'd be there forever. And that felt great, no matter what. Life was good. He provided for them both, and she spent her time doing good around her, spreading all the love she could at church and in her local charities.

Katherine gathered her thoughts and treated herself with a slice of this pumpkin pie she had baked. Skyler was right, she was the queen of pumpkin pie. After thinking about going back to the attic, she decided she had enough memories for today and decided to stay downstairs. After spending 30 minutes playing the piano, she decided to call Lisa. She just had come up with an idea for the church event she was starting to create, but in order for it to work, she was going to need Lisa's help.

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