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OVER 910 READS?!?! AHHHH IM SO HAPPY! This is chapter 16, I wanted to do a mid week update so I made so time in my day to be able to write this. I hope you all have enjoyed the story so far, don't feel like you can't tell me what you think, comments are appreciated and happily taken. So I hope you all read on and enjoy. Thanks again.

Natsu's POV:

"W-what?" I felt my entire body shake, it felt so weak, but yet it kept pushing on. "What do you mean she's gone?"

Gray looked down at Happy and then back up at me and shook his head. "I mean that she left last night."

"Left? Why would Lucy just leave like that!? That doesn't sound at all like Lucy." I exclaimed, trying to break away.

"You're right." Gray said monotoned.

"I'm right?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Yeah she isn't that kind of person, she would never run away from something she cared about. She's like you in that way." Gray sighed, looking down at Happy who gave him a soft smile.

"Then why in the world would she leave?!" I was so frustrated and angry and I just missed her, I missed her so much.

"Because you told her too." Happy said solemnly.

Erza's POV:

Maybe I shouldn't have taken Lucy away, she hasn't said a word since last night. I know she's upset, I know how it feels to be separated from the one who you love most. An image of Jellal popped into my mind and I quickly shook it off as I looked over at Lucy as she sat in the seat across from me on the train. I could see just how puffy and red her eyes were, she must have cried all night. I can't even begin to comprehend how much love she has for Natsu, I honestly never would have thought she would love him this much, yet I didn't even think she would love him at all. "Lucy, it's a lovely day...isn't it?"

She looked up at me like I was insane, like I was a monster. But I don't blame her, I shouldn't blame her.

Her face soon softened as she wiped her eyes, which surprised me greatly. "You're right Erza, it's beautiful outside. Thank you for pointing that out." She smiled softly.

She smiled! She actually smiled, what is going on with her? I thought as the train rolled along. "You're very welcome Lucy." I smiled back.

"So where exactly is this train going?" Lucy asked. I was waiting for her to ask that, I just didn't know when.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled loudly before looking up at her. "Magnolia."

"What?! We're going back?!" Her face lit up almost like the night sky when stars come out, her smile was wider then anyone I had ever seen before.

"Yes." I said slowly.

"Why?" She almost jumped out of her seat, I was so happy she was like this.

"Because I know one night was enough time away. I used to think it was best to separate the two of you, but now i think we should do just the opposite." I smiled brightly back at her as she sat back in her seat. "But we have to do a few things before you see him. I have a plan." I smirked.

Lucy nodded and leaned in forward preparing to hear what I had to say. "Alright I'm listening." She smirked.

Levy's POV:

I walked through the halls of the guild, trying to keep my composure. I smiled at those who walked by me and I waved to those sitting down, I couldn't let anyone know something was wrong, but something was wrong. Desperately wrong. I found myself at the top of the stairs leading down to the basement, I paused for a moment to see if I really wanted to go down there. "For Lucy." Just the thought of her made me upset, she left. My best friend was gone, and I couldn't do anything about it. I finally decided to walk down stairs. There I saw Gray and Happy standing in front of Natsu.

All conversation came to a halt as they saw me walk down the stairs.

"Levy!" Natsu said as he looked up at me.

I forced another smile as I walked towards Gray and Happy. "Hey you guys, how's it all going down here? I thought I'd check up on Freed's handy work since he isn't in the best shape to keep it all going down here.

Flashback to last night (Nobody's POV):

"Oh so that's how you are going to play." Natsu said with a smirk as Lucy and Erza left the guild, leaving nothing but the memory of them moments before.

"Natsu! Enough!" Gray said as he put his hands together. "Ice Make Canon!"

Before Natsu could react he was pummeled with a ice repeatedly. In the moment Freed was given he used all the strength he had left and casted the cage around Natsu. He immediately fell to the ground because he was all out of magic energy.

Gray ran to Freed and slowly helped him up. They stood there looking at Natsu who was now immobilized. "What are we going to do?" Gray said sadly as Happy flew over to U.S. And then grabbed Natsu and carried him down the stairs.

*End of Flashback*

Levy's POV:

"Oh we've been better." Gray said before turning away and looking at Natsu, who continuously tried to brake away.

Gray and I suddenly looked down to see Happy who sniffles a few times before looking up at us. "We have to do something. I can't stand seeing my best friend like this." He looked down again and used his paws to wipe his face, causing water to form in the corners of my own eyes.

"Happy..." I kneeled down next to him and pressed my head to the top of his head and rubbed slowly. "It will all work out, I promise."

Gray looked over at us and gave me a soft smile. "She's right Happy."

He looked at the both of us and then at Natsu. "And how do you both know that?"

I slowly stood up, feeling the tears grow prominent in my eyes. "W-well..." I looked up and let the tears fall, but I tried desperately to keep a smile on my face. "Because I know Lucy."

The mention of her name made Natsu still, causing Gray and Happy to look at him, but I kept my eyes up. "Because she would never give up, no matter what."

Gray nodded to me and then looked at Natsu. "Lucy won't give up on you..and neither will Levy, Happy and I."

Natsu's POV:

"How can you all be so sure?" He looked at us with such desperation. "As you said earlier Happy, I'm the one who made her leave. How could she ever forgive me?"

Then out of no where Levy stormed up to me and put her hand up. "Because she's Lucy, that's why. And because she's absolutely in love with you."

I looked at her for a moment a sighed before looking back at Gray and Happy. "Well why is she?"

This chap is officially over you guys! I love this chapter even though there's not really any nalu interaction, but they do think of each other constantly. I hope you all enjoyed it. Update soon I promise.

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