Green Meets Blue [1]

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Harry breathes in the scent of freshly brewed coffee. For Harry, this is his place of relaxation and a place for thinking. You might even describe Jolly Coffee as his Haven in a way. He usually sits in there enjoying his time while observing other people around him. He likes it when he sees old couples acting as if they're still young. Whenever there are running toddlers or kids with concerned parent/ guardian running after them, he can't help but coo. When he sees a heartbroken or sad person crying, he'll feel sympathy towards them but later on he'll just ignore them for it is none of his business.

The employees of the Jolly Coffee know him whole-heartedly for he's been hanging out in the place everyday for 4 months or so. Although he visits the cafe everyday, he never asks for "the usual". Unlike other people, Harry varies his coffee everyday. Sure, he had tasted every single thing in their menu, some were even repeated already. But he never had his favorite out of the coffees because he is quite adventurous, mercurial, and fickle.

Just like his coffee, Harry is the type of person who easily changes his lover if he gets bored with them easily. You might say that just like his coffee he has never found his favorite, he has never found "the one". Although he doesn't prioritize his love life, he can't help but want to settle down with someone. He wants to find "the usual". He wants to find "the one".

"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" Harry looks up from his book and meets a gorgeous pair of cerulean orbs. He bites his lower lip and chews on it.

"No. You can take it." He returns his attention to his book.

"Actually, I am alone myself so I was wondering if like we could share a table or summat? That is, if that's okay you?"

Harry furrows his eyebrows and looks at him curiously. "Why? I mean the place is not packed. A-and there are other tables that aren't occupied."

"Maybe, I was just charmed by your looks." The blue-eyed boy winks at him. He feels the blood rising up to his cheeks so he lifts his book to cover his face. After a minute, he removes the book but was surprised to see that the lad is still in front of him.

"Why are you still here?"

"I want to sit with you."

"Wow, way to say things in a subtle way." He rolls his eyes playfully and sasses the boy across him.

"Sorry but subtle is not in my vocabulary. Wait how about, I order you a drink? Would that be fair enough?" He asks with a slight pout.

Harry sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "I guess so..."


"Yeah, sure. Whatever." He's trying his best not to smile but the lad in front of him just beamed so wide, it may serve as a lighthouse in the middle of a dark sea.

"Oh, how rude of me. Good morning, my name is Louis Tomlinson. And you are?" He stretches his arm towards Harry but Harry just looks at it and ignores it.

"I'm Harry." He continues to read his book since he's a little bit intimidated by Louis.

"Hmmmm Harry." Louis caresses his chin and depicts a thoughtful expression. "I like your name. It suits you." And there goes the smile again. God, I really need to get out of here before I do something stupid. Harry mumbles to himself.

"What are you talking about, Harry?"

"I- Thank you."

"No worries. Oh, I better get you drink! What do you want coffee, tea, healthy ass juice, or..."

"Just a cuppa will be nice. Thank you."

"You sure you don't want anything else?"

"World peace would be nice." He chuckles to himself but covers his mouth quickly.

"You got a nice laugh, love. Do that again!" Man can he just stop making him look like a freaking tomato or something?

"N-no, I d-do not. It's annoying." He fakes a pout and directs it towards Louis. Louis then pinches Harry's cheeks.

"You're so adorable! I'll be right back, Harry. Don't miss me too much." He winks at Harry and heads towards the cashier.

Harry feels so jittery. He's too overwhelmed by Louis that he cannot stop smiling and chewing his bottom lip. He decides to read a book but Louis interrupts him.

"Here ya go. 2 cups of tea for the most gorgeous lad on Earth and for Harry." He grins cheekily at Harry but pouts immediately once Harry slaps his arm playfully.

"That was very rude and cocky of you do you know that?"

"Hey, was just stating some facts."

"Pssssh, most gorgeous lad on Earth? More like the most annoying!"

"Harold, you wound me. You wound me so much it felt like you stabbed me with a sword and twisted it then removed it then stabbed me agai-"

"Stop it!" Harry is laughing so hard that he's clenching his tummy and he feels tears forming in his eyes.

"I really like your laugh."

"Even though I wound you?"

"Even though you wound me. Now let's drink our tea. They're getting cold." With one last exchange of smiles, they drink their teas in comfortable silence.

I know that Harry's drinking coffee in the photo but eh just go with the flow.

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