Green Looks For Blue [2]

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Of all the things Harry could've forgotten, he chose to forget getting Louis' number. Harry is really dumb and stupid... and dumb. Harry would rather forget to wear his undies than forget to ask for Louis' number once he sees him again. And that is saying a lot... A whole damn lot.

Pacing around his flat, he gets his professional camera and fixes his things before going to his favorite hangout place. He gets into his car and plugs his aux cord to play some random song from his phone. Once he exits the car, he looks around the café but pouts when he doesn't see Louis. He thinks that perhaps he should enter the café and not just stand outside looking like an idiot.

Before he enters, he sees a little boy crying. Sympathy and sorrow filled Harry's heart because damn can't he resist crying children. He'd be a terrible father in the future: spoiling his children just because they're crying over something they want.

"Hey lil buddy. What are you doing here outside? Aren't you getting cold?" He squats down to reach the child and rubs his hands up and down the boy's arms.

"I lost my mummy." The boy removes his snot and rubs his eyes.

"Do you wanna be a superhero like uuuh Spiderman and uhm look for you mum yeah? She might just be lurking around. Once you're done, I'd give the superhero a treat." He tries to convince the child.

"But I don't like superheroes. They're very manly and scary just like my dad. I wanna be a princess." The boy looks at Harry like he is about to sob harder but Harry interrupts first.

"How about... We pretend that we're on our quest to find the queen because she was kidnapped and her princess misses her. Is that better?" Harry gives the child a wide grin, one where his dimples carve into his face.

"Yeah! But how about you? Don't you want to find you princess?" The little child looks curiously at him, wide eyes and all.

"Hmmm, I prefer a prince too, love. To be honest, I found a knight in shining armor yesterday yeah? But I forgot to ask for his number." He sighs and starts to stand up. He held his hand for the little boy and they start to walk.

"How about, on our way to search for the queen, we also search for your knight in shining armor?"

"I think like your idea... Uhm"


"Well Jack or should I say Princess Jackie-" Jack giggles so loud and blushes like a tomato that Harry can't help but to coo.

"My name's Prince Harry, and we're on our quest to look for the queen and the knight in shining armor. Are you ready princess?"

"Yes Prince Harry!" So Harry asks where he last saw his mummy. They go to the park near the café and start their hunt. While walking beside Jack he starts to think about his future. Will he have a family of his own? Will he have a loving husband and 3 wonderful children living in his dream house? Will he grow old alone since he hasn't found his "usual"?

"Princess Jackie, is it alright if I ask you something?"

"Sure, Prince Harry." He chuckles again and squeezes Harry's hand.

"Didn't the queen warn you about strangers? What if like I kidnap you or murder you or chop your body parts and feed them to the monsters."

"You're scaring me." He removes his hand from Harry. Jack's lips quiver and his eyes are starting to be glassy again.

"I-i was just kidding. Oh Lord I'm the worst." Harry tries to reach Jack but he slips while doing so. Jack laughs so hard and keeps on teasing Harry.

"S'not funny." Harry pouts but he's kinda smiling at the same time because Jack's laugh is contagious.

"It is! Oh and the answer to your question? You're pretty. You're a pretty boy with a pretty heart s'why I trusted you." He holds Harry's cheeks and kisses one of them. Harry starts to cry. He thinks he's about to burst right there and then. He's so overwhelmed by the little child in front of him. Just a few seconds later, they hear two people shouting.


"Where are you Jack?!"

"Jack, d'you hear that? Your mummy's near us."


Two figures start to appear near them. One of the figures makes Harry's breath hitch. He cannot move. He feels so powerless that he just lets Jack drag him to wherever he takes him.

"Jack! Where were you? I've been looking everywhere for you." The mother cries in relief as she hugs her son. Louis notices him but doesn't say a word... just stares as him making him feel more boneless.

"I've been with Prince Harry and we were on a quest to look for the queen and his knight in shining armor!" Harry pales as Jack says those words. Damn kids should just shut up sometimes shouldn't they?

"Prince Ha- oh. Thank you for taking care of my son. How could I repay you."

"I know how!" Jack jumps excitedly. "Let's look for your knight!" Louis raises an eyebrow at Harry and smirks. Although Harry never looks at Louis, he sees him in his peripheral view.

"And who's this knight you're speaking of little Jack?" Louis smiles smugly.

"Harry told me that he met him yesterday and he forgo-"

"Okay that's enough. Do you want ice cream? Yay ice cream!" He carries Jack and runs towards the ice cream shop."

*stares into an empty space* why do I use the name Jack a lot? *fades out*

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