Chapter 5

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Nico's POV

"Why are you even thinking about it? You like the guy and he needs your help" Will exclaimed. I looked down at Percy's number on my screen, "but what if he finds out? He will be disgusted." Will sighed in annoyance, "look, he is single and out of all the people he could have asked he asked you for help. This is your chance Nico, don't let it rot."

I leaned my head back against the seat and looked out the window. We were already on the same team in P.E, I didn't need to spend more time with him. I could only hold back a secret for so long. "Besides," Will continued "Who says he can't like you back?" My fists clenched in my lap. "He won't like me back," I said, anger rose inside me.

"How do you know?" Will pushed. Why couldn't he just drop it? I looked over at him, I wanted him to see the anger in my eyes. "He's straight" I objected. Will glanced at me then looked back at the road. "Nico, people fall in love with the personality of the person, not with what gender they are."

How could I respond to that?" I didn't matter. Percy only wanted my help, that's it. "Nico" Will started, sparing me another glance. "Percy isn't a cruel person. So if it does slip, it's not like he with hate you. But he does need your help. Getting bad grades could get him kicked off the swim team."

That was true. I knew he loved to swim, I couldn't do that to him. "I'll think about it."


I poked at my pork chop again with my fork. I wasn't really hungry and my thoughts were running wild. I still hadn't made up my mind on tutoring Percy. I wanted to help him, but I couldn't seem to call. What if I did something stupid? I would never forgive myself. But if I didn't help him he could have gotten kicked off the team and then I would never forgive myself. Of course, he could have found someone else to teach him. But then I would be the bad friend who didn't want to do him a favor because of my own selfish reasons.

"Okay you two, I got some big news" my father announced from the other side of the dinner table. I peeked up at him through my bangs. "This summer, we are taking a one week trip to the beach," he said happily. Hazel gasped, "Really? When?" "The first week you get out of school" my dad answered. "I can't swim" I reminded him.

"Then learn. The activity center gives lessons." Great, that's all I needed. "Nico, it's your night to do the dishes," my father said as he got up and set his plate in the sink. I watched my dad leave the room. He was probably going to go take a shower. I knew I better start on the dishes, I had a book report due on Monday.

"Nico," Hazel said, catching my attention. "What are you thinking about?" It was a simple question, but the answer leads to something much deeper. Hazel didn't know about my crush on Percy, and I wasn't going to tell her either. She was in his group of friends. Don't get me wrong, I trusted her. But you can never be too careful. The fewer people who knew, the better.

"What do you mean?" I asked quickly and picked up our plates. She wouldn't fall for it, but it's worth a try. "Nico I'm not stupid. Tell me what's bothering you." She picked up the cups and brought them over to the sink. I sighed, I guessed telling her part of it wouldn't hurt. "Percy asked me to tutor him in Italian." She looked confused, "so why don't you?"

I quickly thought of the perfect reason. "Time. I don't have the time."

"But you don't have anything to do after school," she said and placed the plates in the dishwasher. "I have homework. And now I have swimming lessons" I retorted. I was trying to think of something else to use as an excuse. Hazel looked at me with a look that told me she wasn't buying it.

"If you don't want to tell me fine. But I do think it's a good idea." She pressed the buttons on the dishwasher. That was two people who wanted me to do it. But they didn't understand how painful it will be to look into those green eyes and accept the fact that he would never feel the same. I was just another friend to him.

I took a shaky breath, I had to finish that book report. Mrs. Carson wanted it written in cursive. I could already feel the headache.


"Thanks for the lift. You want to come in?" I asked Will. We pulled into the parking lot of the activity center. "No man I want to eat my cheeseburger," Will said and took a big bite of his cheeseburger. We picked up lunch on the way there. "Okay fine, I'll be back in a few minutes." I shut the car door and started to walk.

I was a little nervous about signing up for swim lessons. What if I drowned? What if my swim trunks came off while he is putting me in a position? I prayed that it wouldn't happen to me as I crossed the parking lot. I opened the front door to a big open space. In front of me were some stairs that went up to the library and work-out center. To my right was the hallway with the gym and break room. And to my left was the big room where two large swimming pools were.

By the stairs was the desk where a 30-year-old woman sat. "Excuse me, can I sign up for swimming lessons?" I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled. "Of course dear, just fills out this form and I'll get the instructor." I took the clipboard from her and got a pen out of the jar on the counter. The first thing I had to fill out was my full name. Nico di Angelo.

The door to the pool area opened. I looked up to see who my teacher would be and I instantly dropped my pen. Percy was standing there smiling at me. He was wearing a white tee-shirt and blue swim trunks. He was wet, so I could see right through his shirt. He made his way to me, brushing his damp bangs out of his eyes.

"Hey Nico, nice to see you here," he says with a kind smile. I felt the blood rushing to my face. "Hi, um... I wanted to... I... I dropped my pen." What the hell was that? Percy cocked his head to the side, his smile faltering. "I'll get it," he said and retrieved the pen from beside my right foot. "Here" he handed the pen out to me. I took it and mumbled, "Thanks."

"No problem. So uh, you want to sign up for the swimming lesson?" I nodded my head and looked down at the sheet that was still on the clipboard. "Well, come with me and we will figure out the perfect schedule." I nodded again and started walking back to the pool area.

The room smelled like chlorine and two big swimming pools laid side by side. The one on the left started from 4ft deep to 5ft deep. The one on the right went from 5and a half ft, to 7ft. The whole left wall was basically windows, they let the sunlight hit the water and turned it the same shade of green as Percy's eyes. I swear that boy was made for the water.

"We can go in here," Percy said and entered a room on the right. It was a small room like an office. Percy sat down at the desk, "you can pull that chair up and sit beside me" he offered. I didn't want to seem like a jerk considering how I had been acting over the week so I pulled the chair out beside him. "So you want to take swimming lessons, correct?" I nod sat in the chair.

"Well, let's make a deal. You tutor me in Italian, and I'll give you lessons for half the price. Deal?" "Can you do that?" I asked. He winked at me with a mischievous grin, "Sure, as long as you don't tell anyone." That seemed fair. I knew I would be spending double the amount of time with him but still, that way we could help each other out. "Deal."

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