Chapter 8

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 (Nico's POV)

Ms. Powell wrote down more emotions on the board along with it's Italian translation. I just copied them down on my paper but really wasn't paying much attention. I never had to pay attention in Italian since I could already speak it fluently. Ms. Powell didn't know I could speak Italian better than she could so she labeled me her best student because I "paid close attention" and "studied real hard."

Percy, as he usually did, was goofing off at his seat. It was obvious he had ADHD due to the fact that he never sat still for too long before getting distracted. I knew teaching him would be hard because I had to find a way to keep his attention long enough to teach him something.

"Percy Jackson" Ms. Powell called from the front. Percy jolted from his project with a few small paper bits to an annoyed teacher. "Yes Ms. Powell?"

"How to you say confused in Italian?" Percy looked nervously around the room. "C-Con...fuso?" He was close, but he didn't pronounce it right. "Watch the U" Ms. Powell warned. "Confuso" Percy corrected. Ms. Powell didn't look satisfied. "Pay attention Mr. Jackson. You can't afford another D this week."

I thought that was a little uncalled for. Ms. Powell didn't like Percy, she made that clear. Percy looked at her with a glare, "well maybe if you were a better teacher, I would get better grades."

My eyes widened. I knew Percy had a temper, but I didn't think he would say anything back since he was already on thin ice. Ms. Powell stared at Percy in shock, then her face turned beet red with anger. "How dare you. You should be expelled!"

I had to do something, I couldn't let Percy get expelled. One of the many things I hated about my self was that I would do any thing for him. "Uh, Ms. Powell? I have a question."

She looked a little irritated that I spoiled her moment of yelling at her least favorite student. "Yes Nico, what is your question?"

"What is 'worried' again?" That was the best I could come up with but it seems to work. "Preoccupato. Let's continue class and this time... everyone pay attention." That last part sounded more like a threat than an instruction.

As Ms. Powell continued with the lesson, I slowly glanced over Percy. He gave me a thankful smile and mouthed "thanks." I gave him a slight nod, then turned back to lazily copy the board.

After the bell rang everyone packed up and started to leave. Percy tapped on my shoulder, "Are you still going with me?" "Yeah I am. I just have to get a book out of my locker first."

"Thanks for kinda bailing me out. I cant get expelled right now." "Well, now we're even." I opened my locker and pulled out my mythology book. The test was on Friday and I was still confused on which god did what. "Okay, lets go." I followed Percy down to where they did their practices. It was like a second gym but with a big pool.

"Are you sure Coach Moyer is okay with me watching?" I sat down on the bleachers beside Percy's backpack and jacket. "Why wouldn't he be? People come and watch us all the time. I'm gonna go change. Make yourself comfortable." Percy disappeared in the locker room which seems to be full of the other team members.

I sat still for a moment, looking around, not sure what to do. I thought maybe I could read my English book for a head start on homework. My copy of The Catcher in the Rye was old and beaten, it was a school library book and it wasn't well liked. But before I could start reading a loud whistle was blown.

"Let's go boys, practice is starting!" Coach Moyer yelled into the locker room. Coach Moyer was a man about the age of forty. His hair was brown with the front strands tuning gray. He was more laid back than Coach Hedge, but I could tell he took winning seriously.

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