Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 (Percy's POV)

Nico left about an hour after we kissed. I just sat on the couch, lost in my thoughts. He kissed me... I couldn't believe he kissed me. The whole thing left me dazed. Mom and Paul walked through the door, interrupting the silence. "Hey Percy" Mom greeted. Paul added a question, "how was the studying?" It took me a moment to process the question, "it was fun. What's for dinner?"

"What would you like? I was thinking maybe we could have hamburger helper if that's okay with you guys." I stood and stretched my back, "yeah that's fine. Do you need any help?" She smiled, "I would love for you to help me Percy, thank you." I smiled back, "you're welcome."


"Okay class, I graded your papers over the weekend and I have to say, I'm surprised with some of you." I took a deep breath. I knew I had to have gotten a better grade since I knew much more than I did on any other test. Ms. Powell made her way around the room and placed the paper in front of me, "better this time Percy. I guess you paid attention this week."

My jaw dropped in disbelieve as I saw the 80% on top of the paper. I looked over at Nico and showed him the grade. "Good job" he whispered. I grinned, I got a good grade in Italian, and I had Nico to thank for that. After class, Nico and I walked out in the hallway. "Thank you. I didn't think I would get a B in this class." He smiled, "you're welcome."

We got outside and I remembered it was a working day. "I have to go to work; I'll see you at your lesson." Nico nodded and Will showed up to take him home. I became more comfortable with how Nico talks about Will. I realized I was being ridiculous and Nico said Will had his own boyfriend. I kissed Nico goodbye and walked to my car. I had to get home and get ready for work.


Nico walked in and got dressed. "What are we doing today teacher?" he joked. I smiled, "We are going to continue were we left off last time." I said as we got in the pool. "Let's go back down to the deep end and work on keeping afloat." Nico looked hesitant. "Nico, you have to learn so you don't drown." Nico narrowed his eyes, "what if I drown while learning?"

"I wouldn't let that happen." I said with a small frown. Nico sighed and followed me down until he couldn't go any deeper, then I helped him the rest of the way. "Okay, loosen up. Stay relaxed and start to kick your feet." He did and I made him go a little slower. "Relax, just float on the water and let your legs and arms move you."

He started to move his arms and I slowly started to loosen my grip. Once I let go completely, he stayed up for about four seconds then lost his balance. I caught him and pulled him closer to me so he would calm down. "Four seconds, you're doing great." He glared at me, "I hate feeling like I'm drowning." I shrugged, "no one likes it. Do you want to go to my house after this?" he nodded. My mom and Paul were supposed to be out until 8:00pm so I thought it wouldn't hurt to have him over for a while.

"Great, now let's try that again." He groaned, "I don't want you to let go." I sighed, "Fine, I won't let go until you say so. Start kicking." He lightly flipped his feet in the water and started to move his arms. I loosed my grip on him a little to give him room. He faltered but didn't stop. I held him for about two minutes then he got tired. "You wear yourself out before going on your own." He glared again and I smiled back. His glare could've been intimating but it wasn't as bad if he didn't mean it much, only if he was mad.

He rested for about another minute, then got back in position and started up again. This time, he waited for about a minute before telling me to let go. I slowly took my hands off his waist and caught him before he could go under. "Better" I said. "The longer you stay up, the better you will get."

"That will take forever." He complained. I laughed, "No it won't. You're doing fine." "Can we do something easy?" I thought about what he could do. "You can swim on your back to the other side of the pool." He got on his back swam easily to the other side and I followed. "It's warmer over here." He pointed out.

"Yeah, the heater is right there" I pointed to the heater on the wall, blowing hot air over the water. "What now?" he asked. I looked at the time. We had 10 minutes left of the lesson. "You can try again? It won't hurt."

"I don't want to" he said. "But you have to. Let's go." I brought him back over to the deep end and he climbed on me, wrapping his legs around my waist in a way of telling me he wasn't going to do it. "Nico." He pecked my lips in response. I narrowed my eyes at him, "Really?" He smiled cheekily. I just sighed, "Fine, but you have to Wednesday."

He kissed me, his fingers tugging lightly at my wet hair. I pressed my hands flat against the back of his wet tee shirt. The timer for his lesson went off, interrupting our kiss. My shift also ended at 6:00 so I was able to take him. "I have to call my dad; he's on his way to pick me up."

"Okay, go do that. I need to sign out." Nico went into the locker room and I walked out of the pool room. "Hey Percy" Reyna greeted. Reyna was another swimming instructor, she was teaching a little girl, who was standing behind her. She was probably around ten years old. I waved at her and she waved back.

"The pool's all yours." Reyna smiled, "go home Percy." I crossed my arms and walked around her, "fine. I got better things to do than talk to you anyways." She scoffed, "yeah right." I didn't look back but I did smile. Reyna and I were good friends. She was a year older than me and went to another school.

I walked up to the front desk to sign out. At that time, Nico walked out of the locker room. "I just have to get dressed and I'll be ready to go." Nico pursed his lips and sat down on a bench outside the locker room. "Whenever you're ready."

Feel free to point out mistakes, nicely.

Also, feedback is nice.

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