Chaptet 14: Run Away

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Btw this picture is not Brooke so.... Lol I will try and put up pictures the next Chapter also this one is gonna be a long chapter.


Brooke P.O.V
I ran away from the hospital as fast as I could I hated it there it's too much. I walked all the way to this little park that had old fashioned swings with a little slide I sat down on the swing and swung for a little while.... Soon after a little couple came up with there children they were such a cute family I looked over at them. Why couldn't I just have a normal life? I got up my butt aching from sitting so long on the swing. I kept walking around and I found a path they went to the forest I was a little curios of what it lead to. My mind was tell me no but I went anyways. Something about it made me attract to it.

Bridget P.O.V
"OMG WE HAVE TO FIND HER NOW" I said to Ethan I tugged him by the arm not to hard but just enough to get him going. " Look if your not going to respond I can look for Brooke my god damn self" I sternly said to his face. And speed walked away. If I were Brooke where would I go? Ideas running through my mind but yet I couldn't think very well.

Ethan P.O.V
Yes I know I have been a dick but it's not my problem she decides to run away like a wimp. To be honest I could really care less about where she is. Not saying I'm heartless but she just a mistake I can't even believe she is this much trouble.

Brooke P.O.V

I was walking and it started getting dark I had no idea where I was I'm lost now I'm scared.... This isn't good, but also it might be a good thing no one would care or give a dipshit about me sometimes I just feel like I'm supposed to be a problem I'll I bring to the plate is misfortune for my family and friends. All these thoughts just made me cry. I just need to be alone for a while....

2 hours later

No ones P.O.V

Me and Bridget called the police and reported a 19 year old girl missing they said they will do there best to find her. Of course I'm not actually sure where she would go but me and Bridget thought we could go look for a little I mean it doesn't hurt to try.

1 hour later it is now 8:45 pm

Bridget P.O.V

We drove aprons the area so we could get some ideas of where she could be I was so worried about her this is dangerous. We stopped by a nearby park and got out. " I feel like she's here" I say almost a whisper. " Maybe she is here..." Ethan replies after 10 minutes of searching I found a path that led to the woods and that's when my heart stopped. Lake founder is that way how I know
2 things
1. Me and my family used to go there as vacation. The good days.
2. Brooke's parents were found dead in that lake and I bet you that this is a setup or it could just be a her time for her to mourn I don't know.
" Babw lets go this way I have a feeling she went this way" I told him and we walked and walked and walked. And then I saw this skinny girl sitting on a long old looking log I knew it was Brooke. I put my index finger up to my lips to tell Ethan to shush I tried my best to walk over to her smoothly. I went over and sat right next to her.

Brooke P.O.V
I saw a sign that says now entering Lake founder. Wow I'm actually at the lake my parents died in that's just weird. I sat there for 5 minutes then Bridget came down and sat there with me. " why are you here" I say while getting back to leave. She grabbed me by the shoulder and I looked back at her she gave me that you better sit yo ass back down look. I obeyed and sat. " so why did you run away?" Bridget says looking to to my black and brown eyes " No one wanted me there" I looked down with a tear slowly sliding down my face " Brooke I'm sure that whatever Chris's mom said it wasn't true okay?" Bridget is trying to basically say it wasn't on purpose but I know it wasn't she said it because it's true. " Do you ever have feel like your just a mistake and all you give to people is misfortune?" I reply to her with a little heart broken face. " You were never a mistake your just different not a bad different your a good one and don't ever think that your just bad luck Casey your not you have that enthusiasm that no one else has" she says I could tell she was crying because her voice was cracking we just sat there and pulled each in hugs she brushed my hair with her small hand while the other hand was around me. I was lost I was about to kill myself because I thought I was worthless. But now I see what I have been missing I have been thinking negative thoughts instead of positive thoughts.

Ethan P.O.V

Yes I heard everything from the beginning to the end I went over and joined the huge and kissed Brooke's forehead. We stayed in this position for at least 30 minutes lol. Then we walked back with Bridget leading the way. We all got inside my car and dropped off Brooke. Heading to me Bridget's house.
( well what happened to the baby??😏)

Brooke P.O.V

I sat on my bed alone in this large apartment my brother had to go with Bridget to pick the baby up from Bridget's moms house. I texted Candyce to see if she wanted to come over and just have a sleepover not really a sleepover I need to vent.

I waited for her reply but SHE NEVER DID!!
What is she doing?? Maybe she's asleep I'll just go to sleep to.

The next morning....

I wanted to see Chris today so I got ready and did my hygiene also I ate breakfast. Since my brother left his keys to his car here I took it so I could visit Chris I just hope they have good news.

At the Hospital.

I got there at the hospital a little nervous I mean wouldn't you be nervous he could be dead he could stay in a coma forever. There I got thinking of the negative thoughts again. I got on the elevator with this middle age lady..I pushed floor 2. About 30 seconds later the elevator door binged and I went out slowly went up to the desk. " Chris Grey please" I asked politely. " Room 249" one of the nurses say I nod and walk to room 249. I knock and I guess one of his family members said come in. Here I go I took a big breathe and looked around he had his mom and his dad sitting there in a chairs. " Hi Uhmmm is he okay?" I asked them shyly. I've never met them before. " Not doing very well" his mom sighed. " oh" was all I could get out. " So why are you here?" His dad says confused and a little annoyed with me being here. " I came here to cost my own boyfriend is that okay?" I look at them like there stupid I was about to say something but a nurse came in." Hello... Looks like Chris isn't doing very well but I do have a little good news he might be able to get out the coma only if someone he loves talks to him or just does something to bring him back" the nurse says. " Why the fuck would that work?" His parents say at at the same time. " Well it might I'm not gonna guarantee it does" she said and walked away. Let me just say smart nurse for walking away and not asking if they had any questions lol.  I stayed for a little while and before I left I gave him a kiss on the cheek. And whispered in his ear that I love him.

Ethan P.O.V
Brooke called me after she the hospital and explained everything the nurse said to her and how his parents are bitchs and shit so I understand why she wanted to kill herself. Those people wake up on the wrong side of the bed on purpose. I couldn't finish what I was thinking because Madison are baby daughter started crying. I tried my best to help but she just kept crying and crying. I'm still trying to get used to the parent thing alright?

2 months later lets see what happens in these 2 months.....

Brooke P.O.V
CHRIS WOKE UP THE NEXT DAY I LEFT THE HOSPITAL THAT DAY AND NOW HE CAN WALK. But one thing is he can't remember anyone. Which made me kind of sad. Life can't get any worst for me..... 

Chris P.O.V
Well Thus girl named Becky I think is coming over. I'm not sure but my mom says she's my girlfriend but I said I don't have a girlfriend but whatever. I heard a knock at my door and I got to see a girl a little shorter then me smiling my mom didn't even say anything just walked away. " Hey Becky" I smiled. " It's Brooke but it's okay I understand" she puts her head down as if she were embarrassed. " Not to be rude or anything but why are you here?" Okay I think that wasn't very nice. " I'm here to help you regain your memory of me" she looked like she was going to cry. " Oh hmm I don't wanna waste your time or anything but I don't like you. Not In a hate way I just don't think I love you anymore" I hope I didn't hurt her feelings. " I hope we can still be friends" maybe they helped maybe not.

Brooke P.O.V
Those words crushed me I just don't think I love you anymore. I'm officially broken. I never thought he would ever say that to me ever. I cried and got up and ran out the room and slam their front door. I drove home and went to my bathroom. I got out my razor
1 cuts
2 cuts
3 cuts
4 cuts
5 cuts
6 cuts
7 cuts
( yes it is possible to do this many)

1804 words it's a record woohoo!!

Hoped you liked it!!

3 votes 5 comments and I'll update.

Maybe I'll do 2,000 words for the next chapter
Maybe 😊☺️

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