Chapter 1

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Misaki POV
Takahashi Misaki, 19, Freshman year at Mitsuhashi University or as most of us call it M University. I am currently living with the Great Lord himself, Usami Akihiko. As most of us know, he's a famous author of many books but also he writes BL books as a hobby, and guess who he puts in those books-ME! Like seriously that guy knows no boundaries!
I am currently living in such an impressive apartment complex, as what I would call and others would call, a free loader. My brother had just gotten married and now lives in Osaka with his new wife; since my college is located over here, I just decided to stay. Now enough about me.
I had just finished making a perfect Japanese breakfast. I was very impressed at my cooking skills and how they have improved over time. I let out a little sneeze. A cold maybe?
That's when suddenly I heard the door fly open and realized Usagi-San had pulled an all nighter once again. He must be exhausted, but it's his fault for not meeting his deadlines properly.
As he walked down the stairs I greeted him, "Good morning!"
He responded with a sluggish, yet raspy,"Good...morning..."
"Finished with work?" I asked.
Sometimes I wonder, why does he wear a tie in the house? Take it off!
I sneezed yet again and wiped my nose.
Usagi-san shot an immediate glance at me,"Misaki...are you alright?"
I nodded,"Y-yeah, I'm fine."
He stood from his seat and motioned towards me as he put his forehead against mine,"You seem a bit warm. Stay home before it gets any worse."
"No, I have school! I can't miss another day for some stupid reason!"

And here I am lunch...sick as hell...
Todo put his hand against my forehead and immediately pulled his hand back,"Woah, Takahashi! You have a bad fever, you need to go home!"
I looked up at him slowly and sighed,"B-but I'm fine...."
"Well clearly you're not! Go home I'll tell the teachers you had a bad fever."
Todo means well...I might at well take his advice and head home.
I stood from the table and gave him a weak nod,"I'll be going now..."
"Get better!!"
As I weakly walked out of the school and towards the entrance I felt as if I were going to faint. Just a bit longer, come on!
I finally reached the entrance, but I was most surprised to see that Usagi-San was in front of the entrance.
He was standing in front of his car smoking a cigarette,"Well look who it is..."
I approached him but immediately fell before I even got near him.
"Misaki!!!" Usagi-San ran as fast as he could to catch me.
I laid in his arms and looked up at him,"S-sorry..."
He picked me up bridal-style and made his way towards the car,"That's it! I'm taking you home!"
He put me in the car softly, and before I could see him drive off, I blacked out.
~~At the house(evening)~~
Where am I?
As I raised from my slumber and wiped my tired eyes. I looked around and realized I was in my room, laying down on my bed. I looked at the time and it was 6:35 pm. How long have I been asleep for?
I put my feet against the floor as an immediate shiver went up my spine. I tried to pay no mind to it but I felt kind of cold. I guess I should make dinner cause Usagi-San sure as hell don't know how to cook.
I weakly walked down the stairs and toward the kitchen wearing a mask. I look around just to make sure Usagi-San wasn't around. The coast is clear!
I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Before the fridge opened even half an inch, I felt I cold hand touch my hand closing the fridge. I looked behind me to see it was Usagi-San,"AHH!! WHAT-" Before I even finished my sentence I started coughing.
He picked me up bridal style and glared at me,"Why are you out of bed?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm cooking dinner. No put me-" My sentence was cut off by a couple of coughs.
Usagi-san sighed and started walking towards my room,"I don't want to hear your sick babbling."
I started to squirm a bit but then I stopped, ugh I'm too weak for this...
Usagi-San started to mumble a bit as he held me in his arms,"Please don't do that again..."
I looked up at him with weak eyes,"What?"
He just shook his head,"Nothing. Now let's just get you in bed."
What could he possibly have said? Ugh I'm too weak to even listen to people.
For what felt like forever, we finally entered my room. Usagi-San laid me upon the bed as he tucked me in.
"Usagi-san, I'm not a child...."
He smiled slightly,"Well you are sick. So the best resolution is to treat you like a child."
I sighed,"Always doing things without limits..."
He kissed my forehead as he set the damp cloth on my head,"Only for you. Now get some rest."
I nodded slowly as I drifted off into what seemed like an everlasting slumber. All I dreamed about as a I slept were the wonderful things I could do with Usagi-San when I'm all better.
I woke up feeling pretty sluggish from yesterday. I sat up from my bed and held my head, Jeez I have a major headache now...
I have no time for complaining; I have to prepare breakfast or else Usagi-San might burn the house down. I put on my slippers and walked down the stairs slowly and weakly.
I began to smell the scent of burning, but it wasn't as strong since my nose was stuffed. I finally reached the bottom of the steps to see that Usagi-San was cooking...
Dear God no...not again.
I approached him and stood by his side,"What on earth are you cooking?"
He ruffles my hair,"Its a suprise. Go back in bed, I'll be there in 15 minutes."
I shrugged my shoulders and went up the hellish stairs once again. I FINALLY reached my room and laid back down in my bed, fifteen minutes huh?
I took one of my Za Kan books and started to read it as I waited for Usagi-San 's arrival.
I waited for at least ten minutes and he was already bursting through my room door.
I was startled and immediately put my book to the side. He approached me with a bowl of whatever the hell it was, miso soup, and some orange juice.
I looked up at him to see him shimmering with delight,"Um Usagi-san? What is this?"
He stood there smiling like a fool,"Its my special soup that I made just for you! Its called Usagi-san special soup! Eat up before its cold."
I tasted the soup, but lucky my taste buds were numb,"This is pretty good." I only said that cause I couldn't taste the Damn thing...
He kissed my forehead and winked,"I'm glad you like it! Call me if you need anything. And one more thing..."
I looked up at him as I stopped eating for a brief moment,"What is it?"
Before he left the room he grinned,"I love you."
I became a bit flushed and replied,"J-Just get out..."
I swear this guy really knows no boundaries...
Thus, my sick week began...
Not to bad for my first chapter? I hope you guys keep reading this book and continue to follow the other two books I've created! Until then, see you again in Chapter 2!!!

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