Chapter 2

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Usagi-San POV
Finally! I've finished this damn manuscript...
I stood from my laptop and stretched, finally feeling refreshed. Refreshed isn't the right word; I felt more exhausted than refreshed, I was just happy to know that I finished the manuscript after pulling off this all-nighter once again. I burst through my door holding the manuscript in one hand and Suzuki-San in the other. I walked down the hellish stairs, ugh the morning Sun is really a pain....
I was happy to smell that breakfast was already being prepared. Finally, I reached the bottom of the steps and walked towards the dining table where breakfast was being cooked. As I reached the bottom, Misaki greeted me, "Good morning!"
I responded with a sluggish, yet exhausted,"Good...morning..."
He then inquired, "Finished with work?"
I responded with a weary,"Yes..."
I sat at the dining table awaiting my meal for the morning, suddenly I heard a sneeze coming from Misaki. I shot an immediate glance at Misaki," Misaki...are you alright?"
He nodded,"Y-yeah, I'm fine."
I rose from my seat and motioned towards him, laying my forehead against his,"You seem a bit warm. Stay home before it gets any worse."
He pushed me away slightly as refused my request,"No, I have school! I can't miss another day for some stupid reason!"

And here I am now, waiting in front of his school. Originally, I came to the school to borrow a book or two from Hiroki since he owns the rare books I've always wanted to read. As I chose the book that seemed most appealing, I decided that since I'm already here, I might as well stay here just in case.
I took out a cigarette from my pocket and lit the tip as I inhaled the smoke and exhaled. I bet he's going to depart from school early and realize I was right.
As I leaned against my car smoking, I looked further into the distance and saw a familiar student walking from the campus. Of course, it was Misaki.
I crossed my arms against my chest and stated proudly, " Well look who it is..."
He approached me, but immediately fell before he even got near me.
"Misaki!!!" I ran at sonic speed so that I may catch him before he fell to the ground.
He laid in my arms with a weak expression upon his now pale face; I held him tightly and closely, not wanting to let him go. He looked up at me,"S-sorry..."
I picked him up bridal-style and made my way towards the car,"That's it! I'm taking you home!"
I placed Misaki in the car ever so gently. Before he could see me drive off, he passed out.
As I sat in the car, driving home, I felt Misaki's head, he's burning up. I told him not to go to school! I should've stopped him while I had the chance! I sighed to myself and realized it couldn't be helped. All I could is try to help in the best way possible.
Soon enough we arrived home. I took Misaki's sick body out of the car and carried him from the car to our home.
The fear I had felt as he fell was so great; I felt as if my heart immediately dropped. For a quick second, my heart dropped. All I could do now is worry and hope. I looked at Misaki's resting face and smiled sadly, why would you force yourself to go to school?
I walked up the stairs with Miskai in my arms. I sighed as I opened the entrance to his room and walked towards his bed. I laid him down softly upon his bed.
He's so cute when he's sleeping. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him upon his forehead. Soon enough, I tucked him in bed and left him to rest.
What should I do? Well most likely I have to take care of him, but how? I sighed and went to my laptop to search up how to take care of a person with a cold or fever. So much to do for a sick person...
Even though there was so much to do, it was all worth it for Misaki. So, as a result, I began putting that research to use. I left the house and went to the convenience store to buy some items. I bought medicine for Miksai, and of course, I bought something to eat for me for the time being. Soon enough, I returned to the house with everything I needed.
I went into Misaki's room where he laid resting upon his bed. As I approached his resting body, I took the medicine I was holding and put it in my mouth. I opened Misaki's mouth slightly as I transferred the medicine from my mouth to his. I part we lips with Misaki and wipes the left over liquid on the side of his face. After that, I placed a warm rag upon his head and left the room.
I leaned against his door and sighed, giving a grim expression upon my face, I hope he'll be alright...I didn't think he would faint. Giving myself another sigh, I walked away from his room door and into my office where I was currently working on a column that was due today.
Checking the time, I leaned into my seat and continued to type faster. I don't know why but I felt so much anxiety to the point I didn't even realize I finished my column. As usual I sent it to Aikawa so that I don't have to hear her yapping away with complaints. Suddenly I heard Miskai's door crack open. That's unusual. I remember closing the door shut as I left his room. I peeked put of my office to see that Misaki was out of bed ans walking ever so slowly down the stairs.
I slowly and quietly followed Misaki down the stairs and into the kitchen. It seems like he's trying to make dinner. As he opened the refrigerator I pushed his hand back so that the door would close.
Misaki looked behind himself to reveal that I was standing in back of him. He backed up a bit and squealed,"AHH!! WHAT-" Before Misaki could finish his sentence he started coughing.
As usual I picked him up bridal style and gave him a slight glare. I soon inquired,"Why are you out of bed?"
He attempted his rebuttal by stating,"Isn't it obvious? I'm cooking dinner. Now put me-" Misaki's sentence was cut off by a couple of coughs.
I sighed and started walking towards his room,"I don't want to hear your sick babbling."
He began to squirm a bit but then stopped. Probably because he's weak from the illness.
Out of impulse I started to mumble a bit as I held him in his arms,"Please don't do that again..."
Misaki looked up at me with weary eyes,"What?"
I simply shook my head,"Nothing. Now let's just get you in bed."
Soon enough we finally arrived at Misaki's room. I opened the door as I approached his bed and softly laid him down; I even managed to tuck him in. As I tucked him in a slight blush came across his face,"Usagi-san, I'm not a child...."
I chuckled at his words,"Well you are sick. So the best resolution is to treat you like a child. Plus you are a brat."
He sighed,"Hey! I'm no brat. Always doing things without limits..."
I smiled a bit more and leaned into his face to kiss his forehead as I returned the damp cloth to his head,"Only for you. Now get some rest."
As left the room, I turned around to see that Misaki had already drifted off in his dreams. I smiled softly and closed the door behind me.
I woke up feeling refreshed as ever. What's for breakfast, I wonder. I stood from my bee and soon enough I realized that Misaki was still sick. I guess I'll make him some breakfast. He does need to eat after all. With that thought in mind, I traveled to the kitchen and began preparing breakfast for Misaki.
As I cooked I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Of course it was Misaki.
He eventually reached the bottom of the steps and began to approach me. Misaki stood by my side,"What on earth are you cooking?"
With a grin on my face I ruffled his hair,"Its a suprise. Go back in bed, I'll be there in 15 minutes."
He shrugged his shoulders and trudged up the steps once again.

10 minutes later, I managed to finish Misaki's meal! I went up the steps with a smile as I approached Misaki's room and opened his door. He seemed a bit startled by my presence and immediately put his book to the side. I approached Misaki with a bowl of of my special soup, miso soup, and some orange juice.
He looked up at me to see the shimmering expression on my face; Misaki then inquired,"Um Usagi-san? What is this?"
I stood in my place, grinning from ear to ear,"Its my special soup that I made just for you! Its called Usagi-san special soup! Eat up before its cold."
Misaki lifted the spoon to his mouth and tasted the soup. His eyes widened in suprise,"This is pretty good."
I chuckled slightly and leaned in to kiss kiss forehead, and gave him wink,"I'm glad you like it! Call me if you need anything. And one more thing..."
He looked up at me as I stopped eating for a brief moment,"What is it?"
Before I departed from Misaki's room, I gave him a slight smirk,"I love you."
I saw the pigment of his cheeks begin to turn red as he became flushed. He then replied,"J-Just get out..."
I chuckled as I left his room proudly. This is gonna be a long sick week for Misaki, but I'll do as much as I can to make him better!
I should NOT be late with the second chapter XD silly me. But thanks for beginning to follow this story as well and I hope you continue to enjoy it! :3

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